'Sands are shifting':NSW agriculture minister to push climate cause

A senior Nationals minister says the impact of climate change on farming is now undeniable,conceding his views differ from"many of my colleagues".

NSW Primary Industries Minister Niall Blair said the"sands were shifting"on the climate change debate as he prepared for a Council of Australian Governments meeting of agriculture ministers in Adelaide on Friday.

Niall Blair,the NSW Primary Industries Minister,says climate change's impact on his state's agriculture is undeniable.

Niall Blair,the NSW Primary Industries Minister,says climate change's impact on his state's agriculture is undeniable.Mark Jesser

"We've got to start showing that we take climate change and its impacts on the agricultural sector seriously,"said Mr Blair,the NSW Nationals deputy leader.

The NSW Nationals - and their state Liberal counterparts - have been attempting to distance themselves from some of the federal colleagues on climate change in the lead up to the March election. Senior party figures such as Barnaby Joyce,the former federal Nationals leader and agriculture minister,have been outspoken on the issue,demanding Australia ditch its commitment to the Paris climate agreement.

Mr Blair made his comments as his department began rescuing 20 giant Murray cod from the lower Darling River near Menindee,transferring them to Narrandera nearly 600 kilometres away. The deaths of the fish have become emblematic of the degradation of the Murray-Darling basin as temperatures soar.

Catch of the day:Murray cod being captured for relocation by DPI fisheries staff on Thursday at Menindee on the lower Darling River.

Catch of the day:Murray cod being captured for relocation by DPI fisheries staff on Thursday at Menindee on the lower Darling River.Graeme McCrabb

They also come ahead of a judgment on Friday in NSW's Land and Environment Court that could have far-reaching impacts on new coal mines in NSW.

The Environmental Defenders Office NSW has joined a case against the proposed Rocky Hill coal mine near Gloucester on the mid-north coast,arguing the project's resulting greenhouse gas emissions and its global warming impact must be considered in the approval process. A judgment in favour by Land and Environment Court Chief Judge Brian Preston could have an effect on new mines,domestically and globally.

No break in the weather:sheep rush to eat from a trough filled with fodder from a converted cement truck used by Stuart Le Lievre on his Yathonga Station beside the Darling River near the town of Tilpa.

No break in the weather:sheep rush to eat from a trough filled with fodder from a converted cement truck used by Stuart Le Lievre on his Yathonga Station beside the Darling River near the town of Tilpa.Kate Geraghty

'Extremely dire'

Latest Bureau of Meteorology updates show 99.8 per cent of NSW remains in drought,including 36 per cent in"intense drought".

The state smashed all previous records for monthly heat in January,with the average of day and night temperatures coming at almost six degrees above normal.

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Mr Blair said farming needed to become more resilient and he highlighted the Berejiklian government's $29.2 million strategy targeting seven projects - including vulnerability assessments,renewable energy and low-emissions farming.

He said some farmers were having to adapt to"conditions they haven't seen before",and that they"didn't have time to argue that this or that isn't happening"because of climate change.

Giant Murray cod being caught for relocation by DPI fisheries staff at Menindee on the lower Darling River on Thursday.

Giant Murray cod being caught for relocation by DPI fisheries staff at Menindee on the lower Darling River on Thursday.Graeme McCrabb

Menindee locals said the fish transfers were a"political stunt"ahead of further fish kills in coming days if temperatures dropped again.

“The first thing that comes to mind,is are they healthy enough to withstand the travel?"Dick Arnold,a Menindee resident said in a statement circulated by River Country,an environmental group."The sudden change in water quality will be a major concern.”

Deputy Prime Minister Mark McCormack visited Menindee on Thursday with Phil Glyde,the head of the Murray-Darling Basin Authority. Locals said Mr McCormack cut short a community meetingafter his efforts to oppose the $13 billion plan in 2012 were raised in questions.

Littleproud's view

For his part,David Littleproud,the federal agriculture minister,welcomed the momentum building behind recognising climate change and the impacts it was having on the farmer sector.

"I was the first federal minister to look for a nationally coordinated approach to climate change adaption,"Mr Littleproud told theHerald ahead of Friday's COAG meeting.

"We continue to work collaboratively with the states to equip farmers with the best science and technology."

Peter Hannam wrote on environment issues for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

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