The world’s electric cars are leaving Australia for dust

Columnist and former Liberal opposition leader

If you ask Scott Morrison about electric vehicles he throws poor,and inaccurate,marketing lines at you,such as they will“end the weekend”,they “won’t tow your trailer – it’s not going to tow your boat”,as he did when former Labor leader Bill Shorten backed fairly modest objectives concerning the electrification of our vehicle fleet in the run-up to the last election.

Our nation drifts further and further behind the world on electric vehicles,or as Volkswagen puts it,Australia is becoming “an automotive Third World”.

The Volkswagen ID.4 is set to the be first mainstream electric vehicle in the US,but not here.

The Volkswagen ID.4 is set to the be first mainstream electric vehicle in the US,but not here.AP

Specifically,we continue to lag on Euro 5 global emissions standards,with no intention of meeting Euro 6 until at least 2027,having delayed a reconsideration of our fuel standards until then. We persist with some of the dirtiest fuel in the OECD,with sulphur content some 15 times the European standard.

The reality is that a Euro 6 vehicle wouldn’t get far from the showroom using our dirty petrol,particulate emissions from which kill many more people than the road toll each year. Rather than encouraging the take-up of electric vehicles,two of our state governments want to tax them.

Hence,while VW wants to import its electric vehicles to Australia,as do others,the German carmaker’s spokesman says Austrralia’s “regulatory backwardness makes it almost impossible to make a case to the factories for prioritisation … First World markets – where there are significant penalties for failing to meet emissions targets – will naturally be the first in line for zero-emissions vehicles.”

Even when Morrison drove a Volvo FL Electric truck at the company’s Queensland manufacturing plant recently – the first to arrive in Australia,to be trialled by Linfox next month – the PM’s media comments were not distributed by his overly protective office. Volvo simply reported that Morrison had declared:“We make things in Australia and we make them well.” Certainly,there was no hint of an EV policy.

Although the Morrison government claims to have a strategy in relation to electric vehicles,it has ruled out targets and subsidies for take-up of EVs,arguing they are not value for money in emissions reductions;it has renewed the petrol-driven Commonwealth car fleet. It says it will encourage businesses that want to include more low-emissions cars in their fleets and it commits to install EV charging stations where needed and to shore up the grid to cope with recharging.

Norway,meanwhile,leads the world in EV ownership. Its EV sales were 54 per cent of its market last year,reflecting the waiving of sales tax,import tariffs and registration fees and tolls. The US,Germany France,Italy,Britain and Japan have incentives worth about $10,000 for EV purchases. There have also been substantial financial commitments to public-private charging points,and to facilitate the transition to low-emissions vehicles. Britain,France,Germany and Japan will ban sales of combustion engines between 2025 and 2030,California by 2035.

Britain,as host for the COP26 climate summit later this year,initiated last November a new Zero Emission Vehicle Transition Council made up of ministers and representatives from California,Canada,Denmark,EU,France,India,Italy,Japan,Mexico,Netherlands Norway,Spain,South Korea,Sweden and Britain to “enable the transition to be faster,cheaper,and easier for all”,decisions “critical for laying the foundations for sustainable and inclusive (global) growth”.

Most recently,US PresidentJoe Biden has made substantial commitments to an EV strategy,resulting almost immediately in decisive action from the two largest US manufacturers,GM and Ford. Biden’s commitments include:electrifying the whole government fleet – some 650,000 vehicles – and increased consumer incentives,more ambitious fuel economy standards,manufacturing incentives,all US-built buses to be electric by 2030,investment in battery research,and zero-emissions public transport options in all cities with 100,000 or more residents.

GM led the industry response. It included Will Ferrell’s Super Bowl ad,lamenting that that the US lags in the race to electrify but,in a playful shot at Norway,promising:“We’re going to crush those lugers[sounding likelosers].” GM’s commitments include that 40 per cent of US models will be electric by 2025;it would stop selling fossil-fuel vehicles by 2035 and be carbon-neutral by 2040.

Ford’s rollout has been slower in the US,now focusing on an electric Mustang (to rival Tesla) and a pickup truck launch next year. It has committed to making its whole European passenger line-up electric by 2030,and expects two-thirds of its total commercial vehicle sales to be electric or hybrids by 2030.

China has invested heavily in electric vehicles and charging infrastructure. The International Energy Agency estimates 47 per cent of EVs globally are in China. The likes of the now Chinese-owned Volvo have committed to substantial electrification by early 2020s.

All this will drive intense competition to produce affordable EVs,ultimately ensuring the global electrification of transport. Share markets anticipate this,valuing Tesla at more than the total of all other listed car manufactures,even with its relatively low output.

Remember,it took only 10 years,from 1903 to 1913,for the US to transition from horse-drawn to petrol-driven vehicles,a period of slower adaptation. Scott Morrison is costing our nation control of its future. Watch for the EU and British carbon border taxes to drive home the point.

John Hewson is a professor at the Crawford School of Public Policy,ANU,and a former Liberal opposition leader.

John Hewson is a professor at the Crawford School of Public Policy,ANU,and a former Liberal opposition leader.

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