Swift parrot numbers freefall as Bob Brown launches anti-logging case

The former Greens leader Bob Brown says a legal action brought by his foundation in Tasmania’s Federal Court could end native forest logging across the state as new evidence emerges of a collapse in the numbers of the endangered swift parrot.

Bob Brown inspects burnt trees that had been a swift parrot habitat.

Bob Brown inspects burnt trees that had been a swift parrot habitat.Supplied

The Bob Brown Foundation is arguing before the court that the legal instrument that allows logging in the state – the Tasmanian Regional Forest Agreement – is flawed because it does not ensure that federal environmental protections are met.

The case,which started on Wednesday,comes after an environmental group seeking to preserve habitat for the endangered Leadbeater's possum forced a suspension of logging in some parts of Victoria after they demonstrated that the logging practices there were not in keeping with the federal Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Act.

According to an Australian National University study published in the journalAnimal Conservation on Wednesday there could be as few as 300 swift parrots left in the wild,down from an estimated 1000 breeding pairs a decade ago.

“Swift parrots are critically threatened by a range of factors,including deforestation of their habitat,” co-author of the study Dr Dejan Stojanovic said.

“This study shows that threats like the severe deforestation of the Tasmanian breeding habitat of swift parrots has drastically reduced their population size and increased the odds that the species will go extinct.”

Dr Brown said the plight of the swift parrot was further cause to end logging in Tasmania.

“In this era of the human-induced extinction crisis,this deliberate extinguishment of a species’ right to exist is appalling and unforgivable,” he said.

Nick Steel,the CEO of the Tasmanian Forest Products Association,said:"The RFA (Regional Forest Agreement) has survived previous legal challenges,including Brown v Forestry Tasmania,Wielangta forest,2008,that had a High Court panel of judges agreeing in favour of the Tasmanian RFA.

"We are confident of the RFA that is underpinned by Tasmania’s world class Forest Practices Act and Code which prescribes forest management practices to ensure best practice environmental outcomes."

During an earlier visit to swift parrot habitat in the Huon Valley soon to be logged Dr Brown said logging in Tasmania was a relatively small and shrinking industry that was damaging a larger and growing industry in tourism which was based on pristine wilderness.

"Why would you sacrifice all this for the short-term benefit of investors in a foreign company,"he said,referring to a Malaysian timber company.

Likening native forest logging to whaling in the 1970s,Dr Brown said it was inevitable that industry would end,and prolonging its life did not serve environmental or public interests.

A spokeswoman for Sustainable Timber Tasmania declined to comment on the case.

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Nick O'Malley is National Environment and Climate Editor for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age. He is also a senior writer and a former US correspondent.

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