Crossbench shaping up as climate battleground

The new crossbench is set to play a key role in what could be a hung parliament,with independents fighting for climate action gearing up for a tough battle and far from united in their demands from the new government.

Independent Zali Steggall,who defeated former prime minister Tony Abbott in the Sydney seat of Warringah,has signalled that she will be squarely focused on climate change.

Independent candidate for Warringah Zali Steggall has vowed to be"a climate leader".

Independent candidate for Warringah Zali Steggall has vowed to be "a climate leader".Dylan Coker

"I will be a climate leader for you,"Ms Steggall told a jubilant crowd at her election night party in Sydney.

"And I will keep the new government to account,and make sure we take action on climate change."

With most of the votes counted on Saturday night,it remained unclear exactly how many independents will join Ms Steggall on the lower house crossbench,although it will include fellow independents Andrew Wilkie and Helen Haines,firebrand North Queensland MP Bob Katter,Centre Alliance MP Rebekha Sharkie and Greens MP Adam Bandt.

Ms Steggall promised to"work collaboratively with all sides of politics so that we can achieve results".

"I will push for real action,so our children and generations to come,they can enjoy the environment and our beautiful beaches,and our beautiful country,the way we enjoy it."

Ms Steggall will join Mr Wilkie and Mr Bandt in pushing for deeper cuts to greenhouse gas emissions and a faster adoption of renewable energy,in an alliance that will include Ms Haines who won the seat of Indi following the retirement of sitting independent Cathy McGowan.

The like-minded independents want the new government to block the controversial Adani coal mine and fight for"real action"on climate change.

But they will face opposition from Mr Katter,who will fight for the Galilee basin to be opened up for coal mining to deliver jobs in north Queensland and push the government to build and own the railway line connecting Adani's Carmichael mine to the Abbot Point port.

Bob Katter wants the Galilee Basin opened up for coal mining.

Bob Katter wants the Galilee Basin opened up for coal mining.ninevms

Mr Katter toldThe Sydney Morning Herald andThe Age the Labor Party had"stuffed up"the election by failing to understand how important the issue was to Queensland voters in regions plagued by high unemployment.

"There were six marginal seats which they could have picked up,"he said.

Ms Haines said she was not happy with the Coalition's climate change policy and would fulfil her pre-election pledge to ensure that whichever party won power took action.

"I'd want to see something better from the Coalition,"she said.

"I've made it very clear that,in line with the National Farmers'Federation and many other people,I want to see 50 per cent renewables by 2030 as a target. I want to see community energy being funded across Australia. I want to see a real action on climate that can move Australia really forward."

Asked if the very low primary vote recorded by Labor in Queensland,including regional coal seats,changed her position on whether to be flexible in negotiating with the Coalition,Ms Haines remained firm.

"Saying yes to Adani is inconsistent with wishing to transition to renewable energy,"she said.

"It's inconsistent with reducing emissions in Australia and globally ... While it's a long way from Indi to Queensland,I have to be true to the people who have elected me."

Mr Wilkie is the only independent to have said he will not"do a deal with one party or the other to help them form government",although he has previously called for stronger action on climate change.

South Australian Centre Alliance MP Rebekha Sharkie,who last year launched the Parliamentary Friends of Climate Action demanding"genuine and meaningful action",will also play a key role.

Ms Sharkie won a tight contest for her South Australian seat of Mayo,defending it against Liberal candidate Georgina Downer,who had also unsuccessfully challenged her at last year's byelection.

Kerryn Phelps,who won the Sydney seat of Wentworth in a byelection late last year,was slightly ahead in a knife-edge battle with Liberal candidate Dave Sharma.

Dana Daniel was a federal health reporter for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age in Canberra.

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