Manus Island gunfire sparked by fears over five-year-old boy,says Peter Dutton

Immigration Minister Peter Dutton says fears about the safety of a five-year-old boy may have sparked last week's rampage on Manus Island,in which gunshots were allegedly fired into the Australian-run detention centre.

Mr Dutton told Sky News asylum seekers had been spotted leading the Papua New Guinean boy into the regional processing centre,which could have led to tensions escalating before the fracas on Good Friday.

Members of the PNG Defence Force,who were apparently drunk,allegedly discharged their weapons,threw stones and assaulted refugees,guards and local police officers in the clash.

However,PNG police were unable to confirm Mr Dutton's account on Thursday,and refugees on the island vehemently denied its accuracy.

"One down,many to go":Peter Dutton welcomed the axing of Yassmin Abdel-Magied's program.

"One down,many to go":Peter Dutton welcomed the axing of Yassmin Abdel-Magied's program.Andrew Meares

In his first comments on the incident,Mr Dutton appeared to link the two incidents.

"There was an alleged incident where three asylum seekers were alleged to be leading a local five-year-old boy back toward the facility,"he said.

"There was a lot of angst around that within the local PNG community. There was concern about why,or for what purpose,the boy was being led away back into the regional processing centre.

"I think it's fair to say the mood had elevated quite quickly. I think some of the local residents were quite angry about this particular incident and another alleged sexual assault[by a refugee on Manus Island]."

A photograph showing an injury allegedly sustained in the Good Friday incident at Manus Island regional processing centre.

A photograph showing an injury allegedly sustained in the Good Friday incident at Manus Island regional processing centre.Supplied

Mr Dutton said he did not yet have all the details about the incident and it was subject to an investigation in PNG.

The explanation differs significantly from that put forward by the PNG Defence Force and Manus Island's provincial police commander,David Yapu.

Police commander David Yapu says only the behaviour of military personnel is being investogated.

Police commander David Yapu says only the behaviour of military personnel is being investogated.Alex Ellinghausen

Mr Yapu previously said the incident had been sparked by a fight that broke out during a soccer match between asylum seekers and navy personnel.

Defence chief-of-staff Raymond Numa said asylum seekers started to throw rocks at soldiers after they were instructed to vacate the naval oval.

Bullet holes in a fence at the Manus Island detention centre.

Bullet holes in a fence at the Manus Island detention centre.Supplied

Fairfax Media spoke to Mr Yapu on Thursday afternoon. He said the substance of Mr Dutton's explanation"needed to be confirmed",and he had ordered an investigation into the claims.

The boy in question was reportedly the son of a PNG navy officer. He was safely returned to his family.

An Iranian refugee and journalist on Manus Island,Behrouz Boochani,reacted angrily to Mr Dutton's remarks.

"It's a big lie,"he said."His comment is very dangerous and makes this place more unsafe because he is going to make more conflict between refugees and local people."

Tensions are high on Manus Island after a 28-year-old Pakistani refugee was arrested and charged last month for the alleged sexual assault of a 10-year-old girl in Lorengau.

It was the second sexual assault charge brought against an asylum seeker on Manus Island this year. None have been proven,and both have been contested.

The centre is slated for closure in the latter half of this year after being found unconstitutional by the PNG Supreme Court.

American authorities are assessing refugees who have applied for resettlement in the US as part of an agreement struck with the former Obama administration to take up to 1250 refugees from Manus Island and Nauru.

The PNG government has ordered separate investigations into the Good Friday incident,the PNGPost-Courier reported,following divergent explanations about what happened.

In an earlier statement,Mr Yapu said soldiers had fired their guns"into the air",but refugees produced photographs they said showeddamage from bullets fired into the compound.

Michael Koziol is Sydney Editor of The Sydney Morning Herald,based in our Sydney newsroom. He was previously deputy editor of The Sun-Herald and a federal political reporter in Canberra.

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