This creamy fennel sauce comes together in a blender.
This creamy fennel sauce comes together in a blender.Katrina Meynink

I have a firm rule:nothing requiring a mandolin for preparation is happening in my house during the week. So instead,I make use of the blender to blitz this into a decadent,silky sauce and to cut down significantly on chopping time.



  • 500g bucatini pasta


  • 3½ tbsp olive oil

  • 2 fennel bulbs,finely sliced,fronds reserved

  • 6 eschalots (French shallots),peeled and halved lengthways

  • juice and zest of 1 lemon

  • 500ml (2 cups) pouring cream

  • ¾ cup finely grated parmesan

  • chilli flakes,to serve

  • fennel fronds,to serve


  1. Step1

    Add 3-4 tablespoons of olive oil to a deep-sided frying pan and place over low-medium heat. Add the fennel,eschalots and lemon juice and cook over a low heat until completely soft,stirring regularly to prevent catching. This can take about 15-20 minutes. You want the fennel to be as soft as possible for a silky,flavourful sauce. Allow to cool before adding to a blender with the lemon zest,cream and parmesan. Blitz until smooth.

  2. Step2

    Bring a pot of water to the boil. Cook the bucatini until al dente. Strain and return to the pot. Pour the sauce over,using tongs to coat the pasta in the creamy sauce.

  3. Step3

    Plate up,sprinkle with chilli flakes and season with salt and pepper. Scatter over reserved fennel fronds and serve.

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Katrina MeyninkKatrina Meynink is a cookbook author and Good Food recipe columnist.

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