1. Place a sterilised jar on a kitchen scale and fill the jar 2/3 full with the ingredients from one of the three options suggested. Tare the scale (zero out the weight of the jar and its contents) and just cover the ingredients with cool water. Record the weight of the water,then drain off the water into a bowl.
2. Calculate 2 per cent of the weight of the water and measure out that quantity in salt. So if you used 1 litre (1kg) of water,you'll need 20g salt.
3. Dissolve the salt in the bowl of water and pour the salty water back into the jar over the chillies.
4. Keep the chillies and vegetables/fruit submerged (with fermentation weights or a ziploc bag filled with water) and cover loosely with a lid or cloth with a rubber band.
5. Place the jar in a warm,dark spot for 5-7 days,until the brine looks cloudy and bubbles begin to appear. Taste daily from the fifth day,using a clean spoon,until the brine has a pleasant sour flavour.
6. Strain out the chillies and vegetables/fruit,keep the delicious brine** and blitz the solids in a food processor until smooth,adding some of the brine until it reaches your desired consistency.
7. Pour the sauce into a sterilised jar and store in the fridge for 3-6 months.
8. Open the bottles in the fridge once in a while to let any gas buildup escape as the fermentation process continues. You don't want hot sauce blowing up in the fridge!
*Tomatillos look like small green tomatoes in papery husks. They are in the same family as a tomato but the flavour is more tart. To substitute,use underripe tomatoes and add a squeeze of lime juice.
**Use the leftover brine for seasoning dishes that need a little acid and heat,such as a salad dressing,a spicy margarita cocktail or use it to brine a bird for amazing fried chicken.
See also:my tropical hot sauce recipe
More summer recipes from Rosheen Kaul