10. Yulli's Brews Slick Rick's Rampaging Red Ale.
1/910. Yulli's Brews Slick Rick's Rampaging Red Ale.Anna Kucera
9. Kaiji Krush Tropical Pale Ale.
2/99. Kaiji Krush Tropical Pale Ale.Anna Kucera
8. Newstead Brewing 3 Quarter Time Session Ale.
3/98. Newstead Brewing 3 Quarter Time Session Ale.Anna Kucera
7. Clare Valley Brewing Co. Clare Valey Red IPA.
4/97. Clare Valley Brewing Co. Clare Valey Red IPA.Anna Kucera
6. Woolshed Brewing The Big Orange Kettle Sour.
5/96. Woolshed Brewing The Big Orange Kettle Sour.Anna Kucera
5. Colonial Brewing Co. Robust Porter.
6/95. Colonial Brewing Co. Robust Porter.Supplied
3. Sailor's Grave The Law of The Tongue Oyster Stout.
7/93. Sailor's Grave The Law of The Tongue Oyster Stout.Anna Kucera
2. Philter Brewing XPA.
8/92. Philter Brewing XPA.Anna Kucera
1. Grifter Brewing Co. Pale Ale.
9/91. Grifter Brewing Co. Pale Ale.Supplied

Here are the top 20 tins from ourmarathon tasting session.

20. Newtowner Australian Pale Ale

Young Henrys,NSW,4.8% ABV



Cameron:A straight-up nice pale ale.

19. Strong Pale Ale

Balter Brewing,Qld,5.9% ABV



Dowling:There's mandarin on the nose. A bit of warmth and sweetness too.

Pereira:It definitely tastes like there's a higher percentage of booze present. Massive hop character.

18. I Can't Believe It's Not Bacon Smoked Ale

Barossa Valley Brewing,SA,5.5% ABV



Pereira:An absolute bacon bomb.

Jemima McDonald:It sure does have a bacon quality about it. Smoky but light.

17. Gipps St. Pale Ale

Stomping Ground Brewing Co.,Vic,5.2% ABV

Score 6.6/10


Wilson:Tropical fruit notes and high drinkability.

Pereira:It's on the lighter side but still has great body and character.

16. Bliss Lager

Garage Project,NZ,Bliss Lager 4.5% ABV. (Originally brewed for Attica,Melbourne,and now available retail.)



Pereira:Lovely. Light,fresh and crisp.

Jemima McDonald:There's nice fresh citrus notes – clean and bright.

15. Windjammer IPA

Green Beacon Brewing Co.,Qld,6% ABV



Cameron:Fresh,chewy and well-balanced.

Jemima McDonald:Hell yeah. I dig the toffee notes and light bitterness at the finish.

Pereira:Super fresh. There's a honey-like malt sweetness and big hop grassiness.

14. Aftermath Double IPA

Kaiju! Beer,Vic,9.1% ABV



Dowling:It's quite malty and chewy.

Pereira:Yep,it's very chewy. The massive bitterness lowers the drinkability for me.

Wilson:There's pine cones on the nose and an Aperol sweetness too.

Jordan McDonald:Yeah,I'm getting some burnt orange and toffee flavours.


13. IPA

Balter Brewing,Qld,IPA 6.8%


Jemima McDonald:It's quite floral on the nose but a little too bitter for me. I can appreciate it but probably couldn't enjoy a whole can.

Jordan McDonald:A really nice ale,properly balanced. There's a bit of mango about it.


12. Original American Pale Ale

Southern Highlands Brewing,NSW,4.5% ABV


Wilson:It's quite sweet.

Jemima McDonald:I think it's a nice,light ale. Golden honey flavours. I like it! Sweet and approachable.


11. Sydney Draught Lager

Swill&Drill Brewers,NSW,4.4% ABV


Dowling:Drinkability is high. Fresh and clean.

Jordan McDonald:Complexity is low. It's a bit too sweet for me. But,yep – super fresh.


10. Slick Rick Rampaging Red Ale

Yulli's Brews,NSW,6.2% ABV

Score 6.9/10

Wilson:Yes,it is quite bitter,but kept in balance. There's a sweet middle.

Cameron:It lacks a bit of finesse,but,yep – this is a good beer.


9. Kaiju Krush! Tropical Pale Ale

Kaiju! Beer,Vic,4.7% ABV

Score 6.9/10

Jemima McDonald:It's a really nice light ale. Fruity and easy to drink.

Dowling:Yep,it's quite airy and fizzy in good way.


Jordan McDonald:And super tropical flavours too.

Pereira:I feel this beer was designed to be very,very smashable.

8. 3 Quarter Time Session Ale

Newstead Brewing Co.,Qld,3.4% ABV

Score 7.1/10


Wilson:There's a bit of underripe mango on the nose.

Dowling:It's super tropical and has a nice natural flavour. I wouldn't be happy drinking a pint of it though.

Bennie:It's definitely another one you want to drink icy cold in the park.

Jemima McDonald:All beers should be judged by how good they taste in a park,really.

7. Red IPA


Clare Valley Brewing Co.,6.9% ABV


Jordan McDonald:You don't see many of these Celtic red-style beers anymore.

Pereira:It smells like an Anzac biscuit.

Jemima McDonald:Someone actually made an Anzac biscuit beer years ago and it's what got me liking beer in the first place.


Cameron:This is a big beer.

Bennie:Yep. That would definitely stop me in my tracks after one.

6. The Big Orange Kettle Sour

Woolshed Brewing,SA,4.1% ABV



Pereira:I don't like this new fruit-driven pale ale trend where the flavours taste artificial.

Jemima McDonald:Sure,it tastes artificial but I don't hate it.

Jordan McDonald:Yeah,I reckon it's really juicy.

Pereira:It still works because,unlike the creaming soda tinnie,where you only have three seconds of beer on the finish,this one actually tastes like a nice tart,sour beer.

Wilson:However,if we unveiled this and it was a pale ale it would be massively,massively faulty.


Bennie:That's always the way with wine judging too. You can be like"this is the best skin-contact pet-nat I've ever tried!"and then you unveil it and go"oh,right – it's Jacob's Creek".

5. Robust Porter

Colonial Brewing Company,WA,6% ABV


Bennie:This is super clean.


Pereira:Most of the dark beers we've had today have been really sweet or really dry and this is balanced so well in the middle.

Wilson:Colonial's[wide-mouth] cans are good for getting aroma from the beer without pouring it into a glass,too.

Pereira:I love the super wide-mouth cans - Bentspoke Brewing in Canberra also use them. Although it can be weird drinking from a can where you can see all the beer at once.

Jemima McDonald:From a sales point of view,everyone loves the wide-mouth cans because they're a novelty.

4. Juice Train New England India Pale Ale


Quiet Deeds,Vic,6.5%


Jordan McDonald:I don't dig how trend-driven the beer released by most breweries have become. New England India Pale Ale (NEIPA) styles are selling well,so now everyone has to do one.

Pereira:And remember when black IPA was a thing? Anyway,I enjoy this style of beer but I'm not looking for complexity.

Cameron:If NEIPAs are what punters want to drink over the next 18 months then it can be difficult for a brewery to resist making one – it's still a business at the end of the day.


Wilson:There's excellent balance here.

Cameron:Yep. This is a really seamless,well-made beer.

3. Law of the Tongue Oyster Stout

Sailor's Grave,Vic,5.8% ABV



Dowling:Wow. Smoky. And surprisingly sweet at the same time. I want to sit by a fire and drink this. I love it.

Bennie:High drinkability. You could smash this.

Pereira:That's what makes this beer so good. This style is normally something you can only enjoy in small measures.

Bennie:I think people forget that's what Guinness does best too. Everyone's like,"gross – steak in a glass – you can't drink one without getting full",but that's not the case at all. You would get fuller drinking VB than this.

2. XPA


Philter Brewing,NSW,4.2% ABV


Wilson:The drinkability of this is really high.

Pereira:I recognise this beer. It's the last beer I actually bought a case of.

Jemima McDonald:This is the one beer I would be able to drink a lot of. It's not bitter and leans towards the fruitier side of things.


Cameron:It's very elegant.

1. Pale Ale

The Grifter Brewing Co.,NSW,5% ABV


Wilson:This is just a beautiful,fruity,fresh,in-your-face beer.


Dowling:There's flavour,but it's not too fruity or hopped to the point where it's annoying to drink.

Cameron:It's really well balanced. A great Aussie pale ale.

Dowling:It's so on the mark. Light and crisp and they've nailed the carbonation. This is an every-person's beer for every occasion – pub,home,park or on the road. It's not just a beer drinker's beer.


Callan BoysCallan Boys is editor of SMH Good Food Guide,restaurant critic for Good Weekend and Good Food writer.

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