Moon Dog's Love Tap beer.

Moon Dog Brewery Bar

The living,breathing microbrewery adds authenticity to this hodge-podge warehouse bar.

  • Michael Harden


More on Moon Dog Brewery Bar

G Flip in Melbourne recently to launch Melbourne Fashion Week.

‘I love just getting a pot and a parma at my local with the fam’:G Flip’s home town food favourites

The Aussie music superstar has a few favourite pubs and cafes they can’t wait to return to from Los Angeles. And they are refreshingly relatable.

  • Donna Demaio
Josh Uljans (left) and Karl van Buuren on the rooftop of their new Footscray venue,Moon Dog Wild West.

How a cobbled-together ‘Franken-brewery’ became a craft-beer juggernaut

This local brewer does venues with childlike imagination,and beers and seltzers that are now quintessentially Melbourne. We find out where it all began and what’s to come.

  • Tomas Telegramma