Activist Zainab Salbi:'I use fashion as a rebellious statement'

How would you describe your style?
It’s an expression of myself and not based on trends. I need beauty for my soul to relax but I don’t like to spend hours taking care of things. My shaven head,for example:it’s convenient and I feel beautiful. I go through different phases. Last year,when I was recovering from a serious illness,I only wanted to wear white. Suddenly my closet full of black clothes and big bold necklaces felt offensive.

 Zainab Salbi:"My loyalty to Earth is much bigger than my love of fashion."

Zainab Salbi:"My loyalty to Earth is much bigger than my love of fashion."Dan Jaramillo

What is the oldest thing in your wardrobe?
A kimono my parents bought me in Japan when I was 10.

And the most recent addition?
A second-hand jean jacket.

What would you wear …
… on a first date? Something that looks like I’m not trying but reveals enough to keep the allure. A nice sweater that falls from the shoulder,jeans and a wedge heel.
… on a plane? Loose,comfortable clothes I can sleep in,but still look cool and funky.
… to the Oscars? A Donna Karan Urban Zen purple gown – it has many layers and shows my waist.

Can you remember a favourite piece of clothing from your childhood?
An orange T-shirt from Thailand;it had a little transparent pocket. Orange is still one of my favourite colours.

Who is your favourite designer?
Donna Karan is my friend. She helps me understand fashion and how to wear it in a way that serves me.

And your favourite fragrance?
Jasmine and rose essential oils.

What is your favourite fashion era?
The 1940s. I like the combination of freedom for women and sexiness.

Zainab in a pink taffeta dress while in Iraq.

Zainab in a pink taffeta dress while in Iraq.Supplied

What are three essential items in your wardrobe?
Sexy lace underwear;it’s important,even if I am alone. In the summer,I have my favourite Tory Burch white dress that I can dress up or down,with a heel or cowboy boots. And in the winter a white cashmere sweater.

What would you buy if money were no object?
I’d still buy vintage or sustainable fashion. It’s a crime to buy any item that is destructive to nature,no matter how beautiful it is. My loyalty to Earth is much bigger than my love of fashion.

Is there a current trend you like?
I recently was in conversation with Anna Wintour and she was talking about fashion going back to vintage and the recycling of clothes. I really believe in that.

What shoes do you wear most?
Funky-looking heels by United Nude;they are designed by architects.

Who is your favourite fashion icon?
Michelle Obama. Her style is daring,it’s a statement,she owns her sexuality and her power,and I’m in awe of her.

What was your first fashion moment?
I grew up in Iraq. My family were close to Saddam Hussein;we went to all these luxurious parties. It was the ’80s and the women wore colourful taffeta dresses. As a teenager I found that whole environment suffocating and hypocritical,like being in Marie Antoinette’s palace when people are poor and hungry,so I started wearing grey and black. One day I surrendered to my mother and wore a pink taffeta dress and make-up. I felt like a clown,it was horrible. From that day,for the longest time,I used fashion as a rebellious statement.

Your favourite casual Sunday look?
Usually loose,long dresses. I have a green one from Dosa I just love.

This article appears inSunday Life magazine within theSun-Herald and theSunday Age on sale August 9.

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