What I want for Mother's Day is something for my daughter

Senior writer

Trying to play tennis using just the tip of the racquet because broken strings made a hole in the bottom;trying to cut and eat toast with a fork using only one hand (quickly,and without spilling any);trying to do complicated multiplication while surrounded by the sounds of drums.

When I think of how it feels to attempt be a good worker and a good mother and also do most of the family's domestic and mental load – well,while children are little and school-aged – this is how the sensation could translate to words,such is the frustration involved with executing the task.

It's time to redistribute the load.

It's time to redistribute the load.Supplied

We are the luckiest generation of women;we have the chance so many mothers before us never had – to explore our potential,to keep learning and to express ourselves.

As this week's at-times heartbreakingTwitter hashtag #MyMum illustrated so poignantly,thanks to golden advances in cultural and societal expectations for women,our lot has enjoyed massively more freedom than previous generations of Australian mothers.

We didn't have to wait,like Bill Shorten's inspirational teacher-turned-lawyer mother,Ann,until our 50s to start our dream careers. We were encouraged as school girls to try economics,not home economics.

How wonderful it was to see the yearning among prior generations of mothers – once-young women full of potential but forced to leave school,barred from tertiary education or corralled into"women's work"way below their brain power – recognised in a wave of social media love.

How great that the unfairness of it all,of what they gave up,went without and the limits they were expected to accept,without complaint,was finally acknowledged.

But how ironic,too,that even with all the technology,and all the"equality"and all the goodwill in the world – and isn't our generation of working mothers absolutely gushing with it – many of these women's daughters have progressed from"not being allowed to have any of it"... to having massively too much.

What all of the emotion and all the gratitude of the #MyMum outpouring overlooked is that for too many of the daughters of the #MyMum generation,the kind of changes that transformed the work world for women have not made it past the front door.

Thanks to the struggles of the second wave,women's rights have shot ahead,but women's roles as primary carers,organisers,cooks,cleaners,and planners have largely not evolved. As a bunch of best-selling books on the toll of continuing to carry the bulk of the work of running a home and children's lives,and the"mental load"that goes with it,have pointed out,many working mothers are quietly drowning in"having it all".

Don't get me wrong,where many of our predecessors could only dream of the thrill of the work chase,we were/are grateful for the chance to run riot in careers. We grabbed the ball and sprinted;being"allowed"to do what the men can do has been,and is,a blast.

What is so surprising,though,is that decades after the women's movement won us the right to fly,many are still so weighed down,physically and psychologically,with a truly unfair burden at home. It holds you back,you can't progress as fast or as far,your earning power is impacted,as,often,is your long-term financial security and mental health.

Apportioning blame for the fact this lop-sided arrangement still endures is,quite likely,fruitless.

Looking for solutions,including those advocated in the Diversity Council of Australia's Mother's Day-timed report, Share the Care,which advocates more of a look at gender roles,flexible work and better childcare support to allow both genders to engage fully in both spheres,is what we need.

The fact we're talking about the imbalance that has left many mid-life women exhausted on every front is a fantastic start.

As Mother's Day approaches,and the image of the harried working mum momentarily laying down"the juggle"to be pampered by her loved ones appears in a million ads,wouldn't it be great to think this could be one of the last Mother's Days thin-spread women spend struggling under expectation they must achieve the practically impossible with one arm wired tightly behind their back.

The fact we're talking about the imbalance that continues to leave women exhausted on every front,if happy to have the chances we have and blessed with wonderful kids,is a fantastic start.

I've lost count of the number of books (for women) to have come across my desk about how we need to shake up the way we divide,and value labour.

They're comforting,because they help you realise that in all those moments of overwhelm,burnout,even despair you've felt while asking yourself on another Sunday night,"How am I going to get another work-school-kids activity week done?"(and be vertical by the end of it),you are far from alone. But on Sunday,I don't want another one.

What I really want for Mother's Day is to know that,with goodwill and effort from every stakeholder in this surely-not-intractable equation,there'll be another burst of progress in time for our beloved daughters.

Wendy Tuohy is a senior writer focusing on social issues and those impacting women and girls.

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