How exercise saved my clicky knees (but I should have started sooner)

It's the best money I ever spent. About fifty bucks a week but worth it.

Here's what I spend it on. Hearing one clear sound after another. I'm in a modified Pilates class and I can hear cracks,followed by clicks. Pretty sure it’s all coming from me.

The teacher says,don’t do anything which hurts,let’s ease back in slowly. I have no alternative. Three weeks away from the gym and from this particular Pilates class and it’s like all the oil has drained out of the sump.

To save ourselves knee trouble later (or to help ourselves out of it) the main thing we can focus on is becoming active.

To save ourselves knee trouble later (or to help ourselves out of it) the main thing we can focus on is becoming active.istock

While Australians used to rush off to “get their knees done”,now the trend is to exercise and that’s based on the latest reviews of the medical research. As Romina Brignardello-Petersen and colleagues wrote in the British Medical Journal:“Over the long term,patients who undergo knee arthroscopy versus those who receive conservative management strategies do not have important benefits in pain or function.”

And what is a conservative management strategy? Exercise,exercise and more exercise. The squats,the foam rolling,putting your left foot in and your left foot out. Getting stronger. Stretching. Kill me.

Justine Trethewey of Macquarie Street Physiotherapy has been running core stability classes for nearly twenty years and she’s heard all the knee noises. “They might creak,groan,ache and catch. They might feel weak with getting up,sitting down and using stairs. They can feel unstable or stiff,” she says.

My knees hurt from years of weighing way too much (now,just a little bit too much).

Those noises are called crepitus and I affectionately call them decrepitus. Mine creak and squeak and pop. David Hunter,the chair in rheumatology and a professor of medicine at the University of Sydney,says the main thing we can focus on is becoming active,to be “strong in the muscles around the joint” and reducing the load. Which is easy for him to say (although it turns out that he also has dodgy knees). After a few weeks back in class,mine will stop making those noises. The great news is that the crepitus does not equal disease,says Hunter.

My knees hurt from years of weighing way too much (now,just a little bit too much). Which is quite a different experience to my compatriot in the land of knee-issues,Lena Lim. Her knee injuries started when she tried to get too fit too fast. She was in her 40s when she decided she should start to do some exercise. David Hunter says the weight thing is a major cause and so are teenage sporting injuries (he did his playing rugby and has advice on that front. Read to the end for that bit).

Lim admits she had never done any exercise in her whole life and I was certainly a late developer in that department. Lim,a clinical nurse consultant who specialises in diabetes care,describes her then self as skinny and unfit:“I couldn’t even walk up a hill without passing out.”

She threw herself into running and hurt her knees then orthopaedic surgeon after orthopaedic surgeon advised her to stop running. That was advice she did not want to take. Instead,David Hunter advised her to strengthen her knees. She needed to do more than run,she needed to prepare her body for running.

Hunter knows about bad knees. He has a couple himself after playing rugby as a kid and then all the way through to his 20s and now his preferred sport is body surfing. He highly recommends getting someone to design a knee program for you:an exercise physiotherapist,exercise physiologist or sports physician for specific strengthening program,three to four days a week. I go to classes but I try to copy it on my own.

He also recommends a bunch of activities to help you and your knees get back in the groove,so to speak:yoga,tai chi,walking,cycling,aquarobics,Pilates. Hunter is very pro anything which will work on the strength of your core.

Physiotherapist Justine Trethewey says losing weight helps:“Even losing five kilograms or five per cent of body weight in overweight people has been shown to make a significant impact on the development of and also the pain from osteoarthritis.”

Hunter and Trethewey both say that as we age,a whole bunch of factors come into play which affect our knees. We sit in front of computers. We lose strength. And then we gain weight. Our knees are temperamental when not well cared for but a flexible delight when properly maintained. Apparently squats are not the work of the devil.

Hunter has one other important piece of advice and it’s not about our own knees but the knees of our kids. He regrets not doing more to prevent injury when he was young – but now we all can.Safe Sport for Kids provides really simple instructional videos across a range of sports. I’ve never played netball but I do love theside skip and squat (I’m not nearly as competent as this young person). There’s a whole bunch of resources which you should definitely share with your local clubs.

Because even if your own knees are stuffed,you can work to protect the knees of the future. As Hunter says:“If I had my time again,I’d concentrate on injury prevention.” We all should.

Our knees are only doomed if we give up on them.

Jenna Price is an academic at the University of Technology Sydney and a regular columnist.

Jenna Price is a visiting fellow at the Australian National University and a regular columnist for The Sydney Morning Herald.

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