How much is too much to spend on a gym membership?

You might argue you can’t put a price on health,but look at the fees of Australia's trendiest gyms and some of us are coughing up quite the pretty penny in the name of fitness.

Analysis by consumer website Finder shows that most gym chains are competitively priced,at an average $21 per week,with joining fees ranging from $0 to $199. Some clubs,such as F45,can cost up to three times as much,roughly $65 a week. Over a year,that’s $3380.

Some gyms are far more expensive than others.

Some gyms are far more expensive than others.iStock

Of course,whatever you choose to spend on keeping fit is a personal choice. But at a time of year when many of us assess our exercise routines,how do you know whether you’re spending too much? Taylor Blackburn,personal finance specialist at Finder,says the answer will depend on how often you work out,how much you enjoy it,and how much disposable income you have to spend.

“If you’re someone who gets sweaty 3-5 times a week and truly enjoys their gym,it might be worth shelling out for,” Blackburn says.

Paul Benson,financial planner and host of podcast Financial Autonomy,sees this question as a great opportunity to finetune both your physical and financial fitness.

“It’s good to think about these two things in parallel,” Benson says. “If you have no budget structure and just hope when bills arrive you have money in your account,then how much to spend on your gym is unanswerable.”

Benson recommends first drawing up a household budget for savings,bills and living expenses. He says,generally speaking,people assign about 40 per cent of their after-tax income to living expenses – this will include costs such as groceries,shopping,the movies and,yes,the gym.

“Everyone is on a different wage,some people can afford the $200 a month,” Benson says. “[The gym is] not affordable if you get to the end of the month and your living account has run out of money.”

Benson says there are generally two qualities a gym must offer:geographical convenience (if it’s more than a 10-minute drive away,you’re less likely to go) and the services you want (you might want to do spin classes,for example). After you research your local area,you probably only have two or three realistic options,Benson says,and the best one comes down to what fits within your living budget.

If you feel a particular club is a good investment but is on the expensive side,consider what you might give up to make it affordable. It could be measures which also benefit your health,such as less alcohol and fewer meals out.

Blackburn is of the opinion that it comes down to price per visit when assessing whether a gym’s costs are appropriate for you. He recommends recording the number of visits you make over a month to determine whether the cost-benefit is worth it.

This can also be a good motivator – if you set a minimum number of sessions that feels financially worthwhile,then you're more likely to go. For example,if you’re paying $65 a week but aim to attend four times,that’s $16 per session. (Benson believes that risks being a “psychological justification” and doesn’t really tie into whether you can afford it.)

Research from Finder found that a third of Australians have a gym membership,but only 40 per cent of them attend two or more times per week and half go less than once a week.

“No matter what you decide,just make sure you are getting your money’s worth,” Blackburn says. “There are many ways to stay fit for less – online workouts,running or swimming – but some prefer the structure of in-person classes or trainers.”

He adds that regardless of your income level,you should dig into your spending and look for places to save. You might be able to get a similar workout somewhere else for less.

“A dollar saved is a dollar earned,” he says. “Weigh up the cost of fitness against other priorities in your life. If you’re trying to save for a house deposit for example,you’re probably better off sticking to a low-cost option.”

Most importantly,Blackburn says,make sure you aren't paying for a membership on credit.

And,Benson suggests,look for a more flexible membership so that you can test whether the cost will suit your budget rather than get stuck in a pricey contract for many months.

Make the most of your gym membership

- Taylor Blackburn,Finder personal finance specialist

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Sophie Aubrey is city and culture reporter for The Age.

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