It's OK to put your health goals on hold right now

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic,psychologist Glenn Mackintosh put out an offer for bulk-billed psychology sessions for people who were struggling with the realities of living in lockdown.

While Mackintosh and his team normally specialise in weight,exercise and body image,they made it clear that these sessions were to treat more general mental health concerns related to the pandemic rather than weight concerns. So Mackintosh was surprised by the requests that came back.

Please stop worrying about"corona kilos".

Please stop worrying about "corona kilos".iStock

“Even at a time like this,almost all of the people who responded still listed eating,weight and body image worries as their main concern.”

With social media awash with “experts” peddling tips to avoid “corona kilos” you’d be forgiven for thinking that COVID-19 was a metabolic condition associated with excess weight gain rather than a deadly respiratory illness.

As actress and activistJameela Jamil posted after seeing “toxic influencers” ratcheting up people’s body image anxiety due to the changes in diet and exercise regimes,“Don’t worry about losing weight right now in this moment... just survive.”

Jamil’s advice is echoed byDr Nikki Stamp,a cardiothoracic surgeon and author ofPretty Unhealthy:Why our obsession with looking healthy is making us sick.

It's OK to eat for pleasure

“The focus should not be on gaining or losing weight right now,” says Stamp. “What is probably more likely to be motivating is to focus on the benefits of healthy behaviours that don't have anything to do with appearance.

“Thinking about the enjoyment aspect of exercise is far more likely to lead to us actually participating in behaviours that are good for our overall health.”

Stamp says that food is comforting and there's nothing wrong with eating for enjoyment,especially in the high stress environment we're all in right now. But if food is our only coping mechanism we would benefit from looking for other ways to get some relief.

“Mental health experts are recommending strategies such as keeping in contact with loved ones,gentle exercise,mindfulness or meditation practices and of course,talking through your problems if need be,” says Stamp.

It's normal for weight to fluctuate

General practitioner Dr Mark McGrath says it’s important to keep our social isolation in perspective and remember that any weight gain is likely to be short-term.

“While it's important not to dilute the main message of stay home and what to do if you become sick,my advice is that it's normal for body weight to fluctuate a little,” says McGrath. “Pay attention to your hunger signals,mostly eat when you're hungry and stop when you're full,but it's OK to eat for pleasure sometimes too. Make an occasion of meals and eat together with those in isolation with you.”

To be clear,not obsessing about weight is not the same as not caring about your health.

Mackintosh,who is the author ofThinsanity:7 Steps to Transform Your Mindset and Say Goodbye to Dieting Forever, says that now more than ever,health is about balance. It’s about looking after our inner selves as well as our outer selves.

“Of course,health is important,” says Mackintosh. “But you’re going to struggle if you try and press on with your health goals ignoring that we’re in the midst of a worldwide pandemic. Similarly,if you abandon all of your health goals and values,you’re probably not going to feel great either.

“It’s important to cultivate some perspective. People are dying — people are losing their jobs. If all you get out of this is a couple of ‘corona kilos’,you’re probably pretty lucky.”

Give yourself a break

The goal of any exercise should be about nurturing our physical and mental health,rather than punishing ourselves for not reaching a weight loss goal.

Accredited practising dietitian and health coachShivaun Conn says that we are all under so much stress and pressure right now it’s important to put the body shame and weight guilt on hold.

“It’s detrimental to our mental health to feel guilty if we don’t work out every single day,” says Conn. “When we feel guilty about not performing our concept of what perfect health behaviours are,we may be saying to ourselves,‘I did a bad thing,I’m not good enough,other people do better,why can’t I be as motivated as other people,what’s wrong with me?’. This can lead to a cascade of negative thinking that feeds into unhelpful beliefs about oneself.”

Conn says that feelings of failure and inadequacy can decrease our motivation to start or continue with healthy behaviours.

“These beliefs tend to feed thoughts such as,‘there’s no point in trying or continuing with healthy behaviours as I will never succeed or be good enough’,” says Conn.

So what should you do if you’ve been bingeing on Tim Tams and haven’t gotten off the couch for a couple of weeks and are now starting to worry about"corona kilos"?

“Feeling bad about what you did won’t change the past,” says Conn,adding that we are all doing our best to cope with the current situation.

Move to nurture

Conn suggests looking ahead and thinking about what you could do now or tomorrow to make yourself feel good and to look after yourself.

“How can you move your body in a way that will be kind to it,feel good and look after it?”

Shivaun Conn,accredited practising dietitian and health coach

“How can you move your body in a way that will be kind to it,feel good and look after it?,” says Conn. “Just 30 minutes of moderate activity (such as a brisk walk) on most days,has been shown to be enough to support our immune system,as well as our mental and overall physical health.”

At a time when people are losing their lives,losing their loved ones,losing their jobs,losing their communities,our losing weight is one more worry we can do without. We have heard many times that kindness is key to get us through this crisis. This includes kindness to ourselves.

Rather than waging war with our bodies and loathing them for weight gain and other perceived imperfections,we should appreciate them for giving us the precious gift of life.

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Kasey Edwards is a writer and author of '30-Something and Over It'.

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