There's a specific kind of stress caused by your brain on a screen

Welcome toLive Well,a regular series exploring questions on personal health,fitness and nutrition. As we navigate our new lives at home,Live Well seeks to offer practical tips and expert advice for a smarter,more empowered life.

It’s just after 5pm and your phone buzzes. You have two Slack notifications from your manager;an email notification to set up a Zoom meeting tomorrow;and a request for a Google Hangout from a potential new client.

Illustration:Simon Letch

Illustration:Simon Letch

It may technically be the end of the working day,but since you’re at home and still in front of the computer,you may as well answer those emails now. After all,it's been months since you've last seen your boss in the office – you don’t want them to think you’re slacking off.

If the above sounds familiar,it’s because navigating multiple technologies on a daily basis has become the norm. There's even a name for it:"technostress"– a specific kind of stress relating to the various technologies we engage with,or feel compelled to engage with more than we’d like.

While not a new term (technostress was first identified in 1984 during the personal computer revolution) the unprecedented rate at which people have had to adapt to working with technology due to COVID-19 has accelerated its breadth and impact,affecting even those we’d least expect.

Vanessa Ferguson,senior VP of people and experience at Melbourne-based software company LiveTiles,says that working at a technology-based company did not inure her to the stressors that technology could bring.

"Because we have always been eager and quick adopters of new technologies,I have a high level of comfort when it comes to using all sorts of platforms,"she says."That said,even I am feeling the tech overload personally,so I can only imagine how people not in the industry are coping."

Ferguson also says that the sudden adoption of mainstream technology has"led to a misconception that a rapid response to your email is a reflection of your competence",with LiveTiles implementing strategies to ease employee stress around this issue.

Reeva Lederman from the University of Melbourne’s school of engineering says that technostress can affect even highly skilled professionals and those used to working with technology for work.

"It’s not about your technical skill or ability to use the technology;it’s about your response to technological stimulus that is the issue,and it’s about your personality,"she says.

People with a creative personality often find technology a"disruption that gets in the way of doing their job",Professor Lederman says,while other personalities,such as extroverts,"love the technological environment – it feeds on their need for stimulation".

The migration to working from home has been a difficult transition for those who work in industries that rely on being"seen"at work,such as law and finance,which Professor Lederman says can create another type of technostress.

"For young lawyers and finance people used to being in the office for 14 hours a day,being seen at the desk gives them their office credibility,"she says."Now that all work communication is done online,people like that find that they have to make a lot of noise online to be noticed,to make sure everyone knows they are working hard."

Psychiatrist and Monash University Professor Jayashri Kulkarni says the sudden shift to remote working is leaving some older people feeling like failures.

"A lot of people feel like they’re out of step with the modern world,"she says."The other day I had a patient say,'It’s time for me to go,I don’t understand this world any more.'"

With most communications now taking form online,it means we also have to adapt our behaviour to suit a screen audience.

Professor Kulkarni says that,for many,learning these new rules of online etiquette and interactions doesn't come easily,and can contribute to stress.

"There is also the feeling of unreality when interacting through a screen;we are used to humans interacting in non-verbal ways,which are intangible and hard to describe but nevertheless integral to communication."

Paul Dardagan demonstrates five simple movements that can make a difference to your physical and mental wellbeing.

A reliance on technology is also challenging what constitutes good behaviour during online meetings,and what doesn’t. For some,turning off the camera during a Zoom meeting is equivalent to turning the chair around in a physical meeting;for others,it’s necessary to help reclaim some semblance of privacy and comfort.

"Whether the camera is on or off is a huge Zoom meeting etiquette,"Ferguson says."I even do it myself[have the camera off] especially when it’s for a 6.45am meeting and I have barely woken up,let alone put on make-up."

Yet,it’s also true that some people have found the online environment particularly convenient,and that in some ways,the invasion of technology into our private lives has torn down the barriers between personal and work life.

"For many managers,this is the first time they’ve had insight into people’s private lives,the first time they would have seen their employees engaging with their children and their partners,"Professor Leberman says.

"This is leading to an increase in understanding that people have lives outside of work that don’t neatly go away."

How to combat technostress

The University of Melbourne’s Reeva Lederman offers the following suggestions for workplaces and individuals:



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Caroline Zielinski is a contributing writer to The Age and Sydney Morning Herald.

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