Beware culture warriors bearing PISA scores

The PISA results hit Australia’s inbox last week,and the general reaction is that they are not a pretty set of numbers.

To quote thewebsite,“PISA is the OECD's Programme for International Student Assessment. PISA measures 15-year-olds’ ability to use their reading,mathematics and science knowledge and skills to meet real-life challenges.” It tested more than 600,000 students in 79 countries,including 14,000 Australian students at 740 schools.

As a bad set of numbers echo around Australia's education system,VCE students anxiously await their own results.

As a bad set of numbers echo around Australia's education system,VCE students anxiously await their own results.Josh Robenstone/Fairfax Media

Australian students ranked 16th in reading,29th in maths and 17th in science,and are now three-and-a-half years behind Chinese students in maths,three years behind in science and one-and-a-half years behind in reading.

Australia also ranks amongthe worst in the world for classroom discipline,as measured by the students themselves. Anyone who has kids in school would be right to feel concerned.

Federal Education Minister Dan Tehanrightly says the results should be ringing alarm bells.

But he also had a point to make. “My message to the state and territory education ministers is this:leave the teachers'union talking points at home and be ambitious,” he said. “Our school systems also need to de-clutter their curriculums and get back to basics.”

In other words,out with Safe Schools and black-armband history,in with phonics and times tables. Call Marie Kondo.

There is nothing wrong with times tables:knowing that six times six equals 36 is useful,but it is a feat of memory,not a measure of mathematical ability. More important is understanding why six times six equals 36,and what “36” means in any given context.

A more useful response from a concerned education minister - who is not,after all,an expert on education,but the person elected to hold part of the public service accountable to the public it serves - would be to start a conversation about what we want education in the 21st century to do,first for students,more broadly for society,and then ask the experts – who include teachers,many of them members of unions – how best to do that.

But as long as education is just another front in the culture war,and another chance to attack unions,our kids will suffer and fall behind.

The minister might also reflect on the innumeracy in his own ranks:if his colleague Angus Taylor had done a bit of basic arithmetic with the faked City of Sydney budget before he dashed off an email to Clover Moore,he wouldn’t be in half so much trouble.

Another set of education numbers will hit our inboxes this week when Victoria’s Year 12 students get their final results on Thursday,among them my youngest.

Many of us,displaying our own innumeracy,will ask,“What did you get?”,as if the results were a score rather than a statistical ranking against other students in the year. If anything,we ought to ask,“Where did you come?”

Numbers are good for generating anxiety,especially because we do so poorly in maths.

One of the questions we might want to ask ourselves after PISA is whether we want to do as well as China in maths so we can put our best brains to work calculating better algorithms for social control,or beat the Americans at devising complex financial derivatives.

Or do we want to be numerate enough to know when numbers are being used to bullshit us?

Like most parents,I’ll be much less interested in the number that hits my daughter’s inbox on Thursday,and much more excited about the choices and opportunities her 13 years of education have opened up for her,and how well prepared she is to face them. You could probably put a number on that,but I don’t think I will.

Matt Holden is a Melbourne writer.

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