It's International Happiness Day,and it may be just what we need

In what may seem like a sick joke,today is International Happiness Day.

With the global coronavirus pandemic under way,you could be forgiven for not lighting up a sparkler and cracking a smile. In fact,you may be wondering why International Happiness Day hasn’t been called off along with everything else.

But according to happiness author Dr Dain Heer,some focus on joy might just be what the world needs right now. Dr Heer particularly warns against what he calls “the thief of happiness”.

“The thief of happiness is getting swept up in the drama and the trauma of the world,” say Dr Heer who is the co-creator and leading facilitator of Access Consciousness.

“When stressful things happen to us,a lot of people think that their only choice is to go into resistance and reaction and drama. And yet drama and trauma always take us away from the happiness we could choose.”

The suggestion of “choosing” happiness might seem insensitive or even downright selfish at this time. Let’s face it,if you’re the only happy camper at Camp Miserable,your fellow campers are unlikely to appreciate you.

In fact,they are more likely to treat you as insufferably deluded. Let’s not forget that misery is also viral and highly contagious. If we don’t join other people in their unhappiness it can feel like we are invalidating their suffering.

Graphic shows how important social distancing is in stopping the spread of the virus.

But,according to Dr Heer,this response is actually one of the biggest lies about happiness that keeps us miserable.

“We've been taught from the time we were very young,that we're more selfless if we're less happy. And yet,when somebody is happy,they are more caring and have greater energy and ability to contribute to others,” Dr Heer says.

“Ask yourself,‘am I more of a contribution to other people when I'm happy or when I'm unhappy?’ And just that awareness starts busting the lie,that the pursuit of happiness is selfish.”

Amid the tsunami of bad news,Dr Heer suggests stopping and checking in with yourself to ask:are these your emotions,or are you getting swept up in the world of others?

“You'll have all these emotions,all these thoughts,all these feelings,all these things that you'll think are yours. If you'll ask,‘Who does this belong to?’ you may find you can choose to feel differently”.

He may have a point. Getting some clarity of what you feel during a crisis,compared to what others are feeling could be a fast track to getting some much-needed perspective. After all,would happy people need supermarkets to impose special shopping hours for the elderly because the rest of us can’t be trusted to behave decently?

But what if this isn’t just a matter of contagious panic and loss of perspective? What if you’ve lost your job or your income has dried up,what if your kids are home from school and already climbing the walls,what if you can’t see your ageing parents in a nursing home,what if you’ve got a fever but don’t qualify for a COVID-19 test?

Dr Heer suggests that even when faced with terrible situations,we should never give up on happiness and kindness.

“There are many people who have undergone traumatic circumstances,who chose to be unhappy,and that's exactly what they got as a result,and then there are many who have chosen to be happy anyway. And that's what they created as a result.”

If you are to take one thing away from International Happiness Day,Dr Heer suggests that it is this:happiness is a choice we have available under any circumstances – even COVID-19 – and it is a choice we alone can make. And by doing so,you will find the world around you get a little kinder.

Given that much of what lies ahead of us is beyond our control,we can at the very least exercise some measure of control about how we respond to what happens to us.

Kasey Edwards is the author of the young adult series,The Chess Raven Chronicles,under the pen name,Violet Grace.

Kasey Edwards is a writer and author of '30-Something and Over It'.

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