She went hiking to escape. Four days later she had hours to live

Facing death is a crash course in perspective that could be life-changing — if you have some life left to enjoy it.

Journalist Claire Nelson,35,is one of those rare people who realised her biggest life regrets as she faced death,and was granted a second chance at a life that would be profoundly changed by her deathbed revelations.

Claire Nelson recovering in hospital after being lost in the desert for four days.

Claire Nelson recovering in hospital after being lost in the desert for four days.Claire Nelson

“I wish I told my family and friends how much they meant to me,” says Nelson of her deathbed regret.

Nelson’s revelation came to her as she lay under the scorching desert sun of California’s Joshua Tree National Park,unable to move because of a shattered pelvis she’d sustained after slipping and falling off a cliff.

With no reception on her phone,and not having told anyone where she was going,Nelson believed that if she didn’t die from exposure it was only a matter of time before a coyote or vulture finished her off.

Things I Learned From Falling by Claire Nelson

Things I Learned From Falling by Claire NelsonHachette

“My family and I,we don't wear our emotions on our sleeve,” says Nelson who has written a compelling and uplifting memoirThings I Learned From Falling. “And I thought,I wish we had been a bit better at that. And the same with my friends. It wasn't really something I would do,to tell my friends I love them.”

Nelson had gone hiking in the national park looking for a connection with nature after feeling anxious,lost,and stuck in the London rat race. As she lay alone and in excruciating pain,surviving on nothing but her own urine,she contemplated all the paths she had been afraid to travel and the opportunities she had missed because of fear.

“I had spent so much of my life not doing the things I wanted to do,or not pushing myself as far as I could have gone because I was so afraid,” says Nelson.

A combination of fear of failure,a healthy dose of imposter syndrome and creeping insecurity had prevented Nelson from applying for jobs she didn’t think she was good enough for,made her doubt her ideas,and procrastinate over starting big life goals like writing a book.

The fear flowed over into her personal life too. Nelson would avoid going on dates because it was easier to make excuses rather than put herself out there.

“It was so sad that I'd spent so much time being afraid. Because it didn't matter. In the moment of feeling that real fear of what was going on around me,it was easy to see how ridiculous those other fears had been,” says Nelson.

And like so many of us,Nelson had found ways to distract herself and avoid facing her fears while pretending to herself that she was moving forward.

“I had wasted so much time on social media and the internet flicking between apps distracting myself from doing the things that might have been scarier,like trying to write something or trying to learn something new.”

“I would tell myself that I was using social media to connect,that I was learning,finding out information but I wasn’t. It's all just a time waster and I really,I really do regret that.”

But in a strange twist,social media played a role in Nelson’s eventual rescue. Friends noticed that she wasn’t posting on social media and started asking questions about her whereabouts. She was rescued four days after she fell with only hours left to live.

After a painful recovery and being cared for by the kindness of friends and family —her insurance company refused to pay for proper medical care — Nelson returned to London where she now works as a freelance writer.

While Nelson is at pains to ensure that no one else endures the suffering that she went through,both in the desert and during her recovery — tell someone where you are going,people! — she is grateful for what she has learned from falling.

“As awful as that whole experience was,when I left the UK I wanted to conquer my fears and I thought it would be a gradual process. What happened in the end,has really fast-tracked it. And it's been so powerful,so profoundly life-changing in a good way.”

Nelson says that her ordeal in the desert has not magically made her completely fearless and confident,but she now doesn’t let fear stop her from doing what she wants.

“I still feel those little niggly fears,I feel them creep in,” she says.“But they're so much smaller now. I've realised that I'm so much bigger than the fears and the fears are not bigger than me.”

Things I Learned From Fallingby Claire Nelson is out now. (Hachette)

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Kasey Edwards is a writer and author of '30-Something and Over It'.

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