The ancient Japanese tradition you should try with chrysanthemums

Supermarkets have featured bunches of chrysanthemums for weeks now,a prompt to spend up big for Mother’s Day. And we do – at least $200 million on cut flowers,many of them ’mums.

Of course it could just be that chrysanthemums are in season. They are a feature of the autumn garden,along with the much-more fashionable dahlias. While dahlias are darlings of the influencer-world,‘mums are rejects,suffering from the aura of those supermarket bunches of long stiff stems and relentlessly upright blooms.

Chrysanthemums - don’t unfairly malign them.

Chrysanthemums - don’t unfairly malign them.Robin Powell

While many mums will be hoping for an ABC bouquet (Anything But Chrysanthemums) for Mother’s Day,I think these noble flowers have been unfairly maligned.

The best garden use of chrysanthemums I have seen is at David Glenn’s garden at Lambley Nursery outside Ballarat in Victoria,where a long straight gravel path is edged with low,mounding chrysanthemums that are completely covered with dark red double flowers. It’s a striking effect against the gravel paths and the borders behind.

The key for gardeners is to pick your cultivar with care,paying close attention to form as well as flower colour. Choose long-stemmed varieties for the picking garden,and mounding varieties for pot and garden use.

Admittedly there are limited options available locally. To see what we are missing out on,check out the catalogue of Kings Mums,a grower in California that lists more than 150 cultivars,at least half of which you’ll want in your garden right now.

The Japanese use chrysanthemums for more than just decoration.

The Japanese use chrysanthemums for more than just decoration.Robin Powell

Or visit Japan in the autumn. The chrysanthemum is not just the symbol of the Japanese imperial family,but a flower loved for its wide range of looks,from tightly symmetrical flat blooms and dense round balls,to wilder looking tufts and brushes and long spidery falls. It is also revered as a medicinal herb with the power to extend life.

The first chrysanthemum show was held in Japan in 910,and ever since September 9 has been National Chrysanthemum Day. These days the festival is usually celebrated by drinking sake with chrysanthemum petals floating in it,but I learned about a less alcoholic and more traditional ritual from Midori Shintani,who spoke at the recent Australian Landscape Conference in Melbourne.

Shintani is the head gardener at the Tokachi Millennium Forest in Hokkaido,a pioneering example of ecological management of forest and garden over 240 hectares. Shintani has an intimate relationship with her forest,and is deeply aware of its seasonal changes.

As well as being the season of the chrysanthemum,autumn is the season of peak dew. Droplets glisten on the grass,bead leaves and flowers and sparkle in spiders’ webs. The ancient tradition that Shintani is reviving couples the life-giving power of dew with that of chrysanthemums.

On the ninth night of the ninth month,thin pieces of cotton wool are laid over individual chrysanthemum blooms. In the morning,the cotton is wet with dew. The chrysanthemum dew has health-giving powers and traditionally the soaked cotton wool is wiped over the face. Shintani wipes the hands of her gardeners with the dew-soaked cotton and wishes them good health through the winter.

I’m thinking I will borrow Shintani’s gesture for Mother’s Day. I’ll give my mum a pot of chrysanthemum colour,and wipe her hands with chrysanthemum dew to express my heartfelt wishes for her health and longevity.

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Robin Powell is a gardening writer for The Sydney Morning Herald.

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