'Trying to survive':When infertility enters a relationship

Tim Rankine knows it when he sees it:the tension that simmers between a couple as they sit uneasily in the waiting room of a fertility clinic. “They’re trying to survive,” he says. “But it’s the situation that’s making them frustrated.”

Tim,39,is speaking from experience. He and wife Celeste,32,have been struggling with infertility for almost six years,a painful journey that has seen them endure five rounds of IVF,six miscarriages and more failed embryo transfers than most hearts could bear. That’s on top of the $80,000 so far drained from their savings.

Tim and Celeste Rankine have been trying for six years to have a baby

Tim and Celeste Rankine have been trying for six years to have a babyLuis Enrique Ascui

As the couple,from Melbourne's north-west,turns their focus to gestational surrogacy,they are feeling more positive now than they have in a long time.

But they nevertheless feel that their lives have been standing still since 2014. And while their 12-year relationship is stronger than ever,they never expected it would be so tested.

“We feel like there’s a dark cloud hovering over us constantly,” Celeste says. “We’re dealing with the loss not just of our babies but of the life we envisioned for ourselves.”

One in six couples in Australia are estimated to experience infertility and the number of people using assisted reproductive technology,such as IVF,is rising. Almost 75,000 cycles were recorded by Australian clinics in 2017 – up from about 52,000 in 2007. One in 21 women who gave birth in 2017 used some form of treatment.

Amid the mental and physical anguish that comes with an infertility diagnosis,invasive medical treatments,exorbitant bills and a potential string of failures,there is also a toll on the relationship.

'I wasn't ready to stop trying'

Tim says a contrast in coping mechanisms led to a communication “breakdown” earlier on. Celeste’s preference was to research comprehensively and to frequently discuss their situation,while Tim,a self-described optimist,preferred less talking and having faith.

It led to things “getting a bit heated,” he says. “The struggle was really going back and forth within the house. There’s a certain level I can take. I need to function,I need to work ... If I dwell too much I’ll shut down.”

Tim says the subject remained “touchy” until about the third year,when he began to accept the reality of what they were facing. “I realised I needed to pay more attention and take it more seriously … It was a learning curve for me to be more present for what she was saying.”

'We’re dealing with the loss not just of our babies but of the life we envisioned for ourselves.'

Celeste Rankine

Celeste says their biggest relationship test came last year,when their fourth round of IVF delivered no fertilised eggs – a crushing result after months of painstaking preparation. The couple disagreed on whether it was time to call it a day.

“We had the worst result possible,really,and when deciding whether we do another cycle,Tim was feeling like he’d reached his threshold of how much his heart can take … but I wasn’t ready to stop trying,” she says.

“We talked about it and sat and talked and cried. It was hard for me to hear some of the things he was saying.”

Tim,however,says he was “upset and very angry” after years of the same devastating result. “It was playing on my mind:When do we stop? When does this obsession become unhealthy?”

After days of talking and listening,they agreed to keep trying. They later also saw a counsellor. “We're lucky that it has brought us closer together.”

They say their experience has made them stronger and taught them to appreciate that while they have each other,support from others is also invaluable and helps reduce the load on their marriage.

Celeste found solace in her online community after creating a YouTube channel,taking some of the pressure off Tim.

Tim,meanwhile,has two close friends he confides in to decompress and help him avoid directing frustrations towards Celeste. “I might say ‘I want to give up’ in some moment of weakness,but I would never say that to Celeste ... it's not what I really want.”

'Two categories'of couples going through infertility

Infertility researchers say patients often report feelings of depression,anxiety,isolation and loss of control,as well as shame,guilt and low self-esteem. Couples may then experience distress due to differences in perspectives,coping strategies and communication.

A 2014 Danish study of 47,515 infertile women found that 12 years after their first fertility evaluation,27 per cent were no longer with their partner. And a study in China reported that infertile couples were twice as likely as fertile couples to divorce.

But for other couples,the joint hardship brings them closer. In one study,37 per cent of women reported that IVF had a positive impact on their marriage.

“Based on research and personal observations,there are two categories of people. For some couples,it glues them together … Then there’s another group where the opposite happens,” says Dr Karin Hammarberg,a senior researcher at the Victorian Assisted Reproductive Treatment Authority and Monash University.

Take a look inside the lab of test tube babies and testis to see how IVF works.

Hammarberg says there is generally low understanding of how hard infertility can be on couples. “Don’t underestimate the difficulty for couples ... Infertility is more than just the treatments,it’s really the whole journey. It’s sometimes many years of frustrating and unsuccessful attempts to do something that people never think will be a problem.”

Common issues for infertile couples include feeling guilt or resentment,disagreeing on when to start or end treatment and disagreeing on when to get support from others. Sex life,financial stress,isolation and poor communication can also cause strain.

Fertility psychologist Dianna-Lee Daniels,a member of the Fertility Society of Australia,says relationship trouble during infertility is “absolutely normal” and usually occurs because people are “uncertain of how to think,feel or behave”.

“They don’t know how to help each other,” Daniels says. “In the past if they had a problem they would turn to their partner and work it out,but with infertility they can’t do that ... Not knowing what is happening to your body,yourself and your relationship is extremely frightening.”

Daniels says that while infertility often negatively affects couples,most manage to work through their grief and are able to reconnect even stronger.

'One of the toughest things a couple can go through'

Cara and Adam Steggles with eight-month-old daughter Evie who was born after three rounds of IVF.

Cara and Adam Steggles with eight-month-old daughter Evie who was born after three rounds of IVF.Edwina Pickles

That was the experience for Sydney couple Cara and Adam Steggles,founders of Fertility Support Australia. Over five gruelling years,Cara had three surgeries for endometriosis and the couple endured three IVF rounds,seven embryo transfer procedures and two miscarriages before finally having baby Evie in April 2019.

Adam,37,likens infertility to “having a debilitating illness that no one knows about”.

Cara,33,recalls battling immense guilt,feeling she had let Adam down. “If someone you love wants kids,you want them to have kids. At one of my lowest points I told him ‘it’s OK if you want to leave me because I can’t give you children’. That was really tough,” she says.

'It’s one of the toughest things you can go through together.'

Cara Steggles

Adam says his biggest challenges were feeling helpless and realising he had to change for Cara because he partly had his “head in the sand”.

“I left a lot of decisions to her,which probably added to her stress and anxiety … Subconsciously I was a bit scared of it all and more withdrawn about it,” he says. “In our relationship Cara is the more assertive one,driving where we’re going. It’s not my natural thing to step up and be in charge of things,and in this process that’s what Cara needed from me sometimes.”

He says Cara helped him deal with it by explaining she needed him to make certain decisions. So he did. And it made a difference,he says,because it “wasn’t all on her”.

Cara says infertility “tests every single facet of your relationship” – emotionally,financially,sexually – but she is proud of how she and Adam overcame it.

“You’re talking about the most intimate of things … You have to really work together,agreeing on where the money goes,where you draw the line,” she says. “It’s really,really hard as a couple. It’s one of the toughest things you can go through together.

“But when I look at what it gave us,it gave us more time as a married couple and more time together to be on the same page.”

'Kindness and understanding go a long way'

Hammarberg says couples going through infertility should negotiate how to manage it together and try not to let it “contaminate” every other part of their life.

“It can go on for years and years. Find pleasure in other things together,actively do things together to maintain what was there from the beginning,don’t focus all your energy on this,there has to be balance,” she says.

“For all couples,it’s a learning curve … Kindness and understanding go a really long way. If you have that for each other,then a lot of strain can be reduced.”

Relieving relationship stress

Psychologist Dianne-Lee Daniels suggests these strategies:

Daniels encourages couples to talk openly with each other,ask for help,learn compassion for both themselves and their partner and accept it’s OK to express anger or sadness as long as it's not directed at the other person. She encourages people anyone who is struggling to seek professional support.

Tim and Celeste are hoping surrogacy brings the miracle they have been longing for,and urge other couples to stay connected.

“It will test your relationship,but it won’t break you if you communicate,” Tim says.

Celeste,who has written a book titledLittle Dream,says while the couple's finances remain under stress,they ensure they still do things together they enjoy – such as brunch,movies,gardening – instead of being consumed by infertility.

Tim and Celeste want other couples struggling with infertility to know they are not alone.

Tim and Celeste want other couples struggling with infertility to know they are not alone.Luis Enrique Ascui

Celeste says taking a small break to focus on just your partner and what is important to you both can be hugely helpful. “I know a lot of couples don’t survive it,because it is a lot,” Celeste says. “We’ve just been really conscious of that and made sure we communicate and are always there for each other.”

She encourages anyone who is struggling to seek some of the many others going through the same thing,online or offline:“You really aren’t alone.”

Sophie Aubrey is city and culture reporter for The Age.

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