Worshipping children,a new religion complete with remorse and penance

A girlfriend related a story recently about a catch-up she had with a former colleague she hadn't heard from in decades,Julie*. The conversation,she says,centred around news of Julie's children - daughter,Caitlan,now 27,and her son,Gene,24.

Why would they ever want to live in a share house when it's free to stay with their parents?

Why would they ever want to live in a share house when it's free to stay with their parents?Supplied

"She went on about how Caitlan is'incredibly bright',"my friend recalled."So,I asked what she had ended up choosing as a career. Julie got a bit sheepish and told me that Caitlan'hasn't quite found her right fit yet. She's taking some time out to work out where she's at,some me time. She's anti-establishment,anti-rat race - a real creative type'.

"Sensing it might be a delicate subject,I quickly moved on to ask her about Gene. Julie said she believed her son was'going to end up running the world,he's that smart'. So,I asked her what he was doing for a living,thinking it would be something like finance,tech or politics. Julie went quiet and then finally said,'Yes,he's considering all those as options.'That's when I realised that not only had neither of Julie's kids got jobs,they also hadn't even moved out of home! Just what the actual hell? By her kids'age,not only had I finished uni,I was having kids of my own!"

This isn't the first time I have heard such a story or seen the trend of kids staying home until well in to adulthood first hand. The woeful 2006 Matthew McConaughey movie gave this phenomenon a new name,Failure to Launch. Before that it was called Peter Pan syndrome,after the famous story of the boy who never grows up. So,why is it happening? Some theorise it is a result of:high rent prices;saving for a home deposit;the changing economy;falling marriage rates;fear of education debt;fear of failure;and an unwillingness to take on low-level or wage jobs,believing they are entitled to something bigger and better.

Whatever the reason,grown-up kids still living at home is appearing more the norm than an anomaly these days,something the Australian Institute of Family Studies backs up as fact,citing 43 per cent of 20–24 year-olds were living in the family home in 2016,up from 36 per cent in 1981. And 25-29 year-olds are hanging on to mum and dad for security and shelter too,up from 10 per cent in 1981 to 17 per cent in 2016.

However valid all the reasons may seem – and there is no denying it is harder than ever for young people to get a foothold in real estate - I am more likely to agree with US professor David Lancy,author of the best-sellerThe Anthropology ofChildhood,for insight in to what else isreally going on. In a recentPsychology Today interview,he said that today's parents who let their children control their lives are largely at fault for the phenomenon by not preparing them for the realities of adulthood.

"Putting children and their needs first is dysfunctional and irrational,"Professor Lancy says."Adults are the breadwinners;they're creating and running the homes,gathering the food or the money to buy the food. They're far more important to the overall wellbeing of the family than the children are. To put children first is bound to causestress.

"I feel sorry for parents today,"he adds."They're worrying too much about their kids and not having enough fun."

Lancy says that today,"worshipping children"is a newreligion complete with remorse and penance."Somebody ratting on a mother who leaves a perfectly competent child unattended in a playground for a few minutes is analogous to condemning the sinner,looking for transgressions against the creed. It's the equivalent of saying'you're not worthy to belong to our congregation'. The mommy wars for years have been about that. In the 1970s Benjamin Spock was saying,lighten up,take it easy. At some point we took a 180-degree turn."

Part of this pressure to be the perfect parent results in"a deep desire to keep children innocent as long as possible"according to Lancy,something he refers to as a form of"enforced emotional retardation"."When we overprotect them we're protecting them from emotional upheavals of various kinds ... keeping them emotionally young.

"We have this idea now that kids have to be kept constantly busy or else they'll get bored,and that's a really bad thing. That should be the kid's problem. The kid should have sufficient autonomy that if they're not working on a school assignment or some specific task they've been allocated,they've got to figure out what to do with themselves.

"At every level of the economy today,there are shortages of adequately trained workers. Part of the blame is that we make so few demands on children,remove all the obstacles from their lives and keep telling them how wonderful they are."

Lancy says he can't see the"failure to launch syndrome"change until parents stop sacrificing their own happiness for their children's and learn how to say no. When they do,they might actually achieve their goal of creating young adults full of potential who are motivated to go out and make the most of it.

Should they keep spoon-feeding them literally and figuratively,the softer,safer option of staying at home,where they are still idolised and told they are special,will remain an optimal one for generations who are told they can do or be anything - but are too afraid to have it proven wrong.

*Names have been changed for privacy.

Wendy Squires is a regular columnist.

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