An image from the Newman government's Strong Choices campaign.

An image from the Newman government's Strong Choices campaign.

The LNP plan would have seen the state's ports and electricity assets offloaded,with the money spent on debt reduction and infrastructure.

Labor campaigned on a no asset sales platform,with a plan to eventually merge the state's electricity retailers and generators,a move which has raised eyebrows in the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission.

But Mr Pitt said while Strong Choices was dead,its legacy would live on in the July budget.

"When I say we are finding out new things every day that is absolutely correct,"he said.


"We are finding out new things every day and have discovered that the true amount to date,that we have been able to uncover is more than $70 million that the LNP expended on Strong Choices in Queensland.

"Now that,of course,is very concerning because that is money that has already been expended,money that had already been set aside to fund things like front line services and community services around this state.

"That is money that is now foregone and Queenslanders will never see again."

Mr Pitt said the Newman Government had been prepared to spend up to a quarter of a billion dollars.

"$70 million is the actual figure which has been outlaid,"he said.

"When we then look at what the LNP was prepared to spend,we are talking about a figure of up to $250 million.

"They sought approval and had approval for up to $250 million to be expended on Strong Choices and asset sales in Queensland."

But Labor have some experience with how much preparing for asset off-loading can cost - it spent $226 million when it privatised the Port of Brisbane and QR National between 2009 and 2012,with $20 million of that spent on advertising. That decision ultimately cost it government.

Fairfax Media revealed outside consultants had been brought in to help sell the LNP's plan to Queenslanders last year,a plan that ultimately fell flat at the election booth.

But Mr Springborg defended the decisions of the former administration.

"I don't have the figures off the top of my head,but if you go back prior to that time when the Labor government in Queensland had a secret privatisation plan,they also spent money in readying that for the market,"he said.

"It was only right that the LNP,in a plan that they took to the people of Queensland to ask for their consent,should actually do a whole range of preparatory work around that,if the people of Queensland provided support,because we needed to be in a position to move quickly.

"That is not unusual,particularly when you are looking at such a major program for infrastructure and investment that would have come from Strong Choices."

Parliament will resume next week.

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