Doubts have been raised whether Tony Abbott"stopped the boats".

Doubts have been raised whether Tony Abbott "stopped the boats".

Under a controversial policy instigated by Labor,asylum seekers who arrive by boat are held and processed offshore at Manus Island and Nauru,andpermanently denied refuge in Australia.

The measure was announced in July 2013,a month when 48 boats arrived. This dropped to 25 boats in August and 15 in September,when Labor lost power.

It continued falling to about five per month until December 2013,when the Abbott government began turning asylum seeker boats back to other nations.


Last month Immigration Minister Peter Dutton said the government had turned back 20 boats since it won office – an average of one a month.

Richard Marles,former prime minister Kevin Rudd and Tony Burke established asylum seeker processing with Papua New Guinea in 2013.

Richard Marles,former prime minister Kevin Rudd and Tony Burke established asylum seeker processing with Papua New Guinea in 2013.Credit:Gary Ramage

The analysis said:"Arguably,boat turn-backs would not have been successful at all without the July 2013 decision … it's hard to believe that it would have been physically possible to turn back 48 boats[a month]".

It pointed to other Labor measures that helped stem the flow of boats:"enhanced screening"of Sri Lankan asylum seekers that forced many to return home quickly,and the decision by Indonesia,at Australia's urging,to stop issuing Iranians with visas on arrival.

Immigration Minister Peter Dutton – exporting our problems far away.

Immigration Minister Peter Dutton – exporting our problems far away.Credit:Alex Ellinghausen

Mr Hughes and Mr Menadue said when in opposition the Coalition blocked legislative changes that would have enabled asylum seeker processing in Malaysia,which"kept the door open for tens of thousands of boat arrivals".

Mr Menadue is a former secretary of the Immigration Department,and was head of the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet under Malcolm Fraser and Gough Whitlam.

Mr Hughes is a former senior policy official at the Immigration Department and later advised the department on the proposed Malaysia deal.

Mr Dutton said Operation Sovereign Borders and boat turn-backs"showed the people smugglers they were dealing with a government that would be resolute in shutting down their illegal trade".

"From the moment Labor dispensed with the Howard-era border protection measures the people smugglers were in business and the boats started flowing,"he said.

Offshore processing and denying unauthorised boat arrivals settlement in Australia were policies the Coalition held in opposition,Mr Dutton said.

Labor immigration spokesman Richard Marles said the party's offshore processing policy had a"profound impact on stopping the flow of vessels between Java and Christmas Island"and an end to deaths at sea"could have been achieved much sooner had the Liberals not opposed Labor's Malaysian solution".

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