Malcolm Turnbull is expected to revive the animal spirits in the economy.

Malcolm Turnbull is expected to revive the animal spirits in the economy.Credit:Dallas Kilponen

He described the party as a broad church that drew on a wide variety of backgrounds and experience. But then things turned nasty.

"We are not run by factions,"he said to instant guffaws of laughter.

A visibly uncomfortable prime minister handled the confrontation as best he could:"Well you may dispute that but I have to tell you,from experience,we are not run by factions,"he said.

"Nor are we run by big business,or by deals in back rooms."


That comment also produced howls and disapproving scoffs from the crowd.

The hostile response was clearly directed at Mr Turnbull's dramatic ousting of Mr Abbott last month.

Mr Turnbull earlier sought to head off the hostility by heaping praise on his predecessor's record. But that clearly wasn't enough to satisfy the Abbott loyalists in the room.

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