Men's behaviour change programs have become a popular option for magistrates looking for a penalty for violent men for whom incarceration is not appropriate.
4. A housing"blitz": Women and children who have left their homes and are stuck in crisis or short-term housing should be immediately rehoused with the support of expanded individual funding. There is an urgent need to address the housing response to family violence,the report finds. A housing taskforce should be set up to end blockages in the system and determine the number of social housing units needed for victims who can't get private rental.
5. Focus on abuser: Programs that deal with perpetrators are entirely insufficient,and increased monitoring and insight is needed. A relatively small number of repeat offenders account for a disproportionate amount of family violence. To this end,specialist panels that assess the risk from repeat offenders should be extended across Victoria.
6. Create more family violence courts: An expansion of specialist courts – currently in places like Frankston and Heidelberg – that can deal with the complexities facing victims in the one place,including criminal,family law and civil matters. All family violence matters should be heard in specialist courts within five years.
7. Protect children: Children should have more access to counselling and other support,and be automatically included on intervention orders or have their own order.