Pumpernickel pork patties with gherkin mayo and pickles.
Pumpernickel pork patties with gherkin mayo and pickles.William Meppem

​I use equal parts potato and meat but vary that according to what you have – slightly overcooked and sticky steamed rice works well too. Cooked chicken thighs or roast shoulder of lamb are equally ace in this. If you can't find pumpernickel and you have a local baker making sourdough rye,use that. Otherwise,blitz Ryvita to crumbs in the food processor.



  • 300g cooked potato,or sweet potato

  • 50g grain mustard

  • 2 egg yolks

  • 300g cooked and chopped cold pork,ideally shoulder

  • 160g sliced pumpernickel,about 4 slices

  • 20g chopped parsley,a big handful

  • 100g plain flour

  • 2 egg whites

  • 1 egg

  • salt and pepper to taste

  • oil for frying

Gherkin mayo

  • 50g each mayonnaise and thick Greek yoghurt

  • 40g chopped gherkin

  • 30g shallot or white onion


  1. 1. Put the potato in a bowl,mash it up (I leave the skin on),stir in the mustard,yolks and pork then season to taste. Then grind the pumpernickel to crumbs in a food processor,mix with the parsley and tip onto a dinner plate. Then tip the flour onto another plate,and in a bowl beat together the whites and whole egg with a pinch of salt. Finally have a sink of warm soapy water ready because this next step makes a mess.

    2. Divide the pork and potato mixture up,then roll each portion in flour,then in egg,finally in breadcrumbs,then place on a tray while you do the remainder. I wash and dry my hands every couple of burgers as they clag up messily. Leave these to chill for a few hours so the crust firms up.

    3. To make the gherkin mayo, mix together the mayo,yoghurt,gherkin and onion evenly. Fry burgers on each side in a hot pan with a little oil until crisp and  hot,and serve with a blob of gherkin mayo.

    Love your leftovers:Try Dan Lepard'spepperpot pork pies.

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