Second,a desire to crack down on public servant whistleblowers puts the cart before the horse. The authorised scheme for public sector whistleblowing,the Public Interest Disclosure Act,has been criticised by academics and a statutorily mandated review. Although a start,the existing laws fail to provide the comprehensive level of protection that whistleblowers require. Indeed,the act is currently under consideration for reform.
Cracking down on unauthorised disclosure before a robust and effective program for authorised disclosure of official information is illogical at best,and shows a barely disguised contempt for whistleblowers at worst. In light of recent reporting thatnearly 5000 public servants witnessed corruption over the past year,the apparent lack of interest in providing effective channels for the highlighting such misdeeds and the chill this legislation will send down the spines of prospective whistleblowers suggest a government undisposed to tackling corruption and maladministration within the Australian Public Service.
Finally,the reform signals a real cognitive dissonance in the government's thinking on this topic. In 2017,the government agreed to fundamental reform of whistleblower protections,starting with union whistleblowers and then extending to private and public sector employees. Once implemented,the private sector whistleblower protections will be the first of their kind in Australia. The laws were exacted by the crossbench in return for its support for the industrial relations bills that had earlier produced a double-dissolution election.
The resulting committee report expounded over its 212 pages the need for better whistleblower safeguards and proposed,among its extensive suite of recommendations,creating a whistleblower protection authority. How the government can demonstrate leadership or moral authority on the most comprehensive whistleblower protections reform in Australian history,while simultaneously cracking down on leaking public servants,is beyond my comprehension.
Whistleblowers (and the journalists who report on their information) play a crucial role in any democratic society. Australia's traditional reluctance to protect and embrace whistleblowers has long been problematic,but its persistence into the 21st century puts this country at odds with a global movement highlighting the importance of whistleblowing. In the United States,for example,whistleblowers can be rewarded handsomely – with millions of dollars available for providing information that leads to prosecutions and civil actions. Whatever your disposition to financially incentivising whistleblowers – it has been described by lawyers Nicholas Mavrakis and Katrina Hogan as un-Australian,"at odds"with our"strong culture of mateship and respect for authority"– it sends a strong signal that whistleblowers are important in a healthy society.
The present government has shown a concerning tendency to favour avoiding embarrassment over transparency.
The proposed legislation does the opposite. It is now before the parliamentary joint committee on intelligence and security,and one can only hope that the committee sees sense and recommends revising it. Having spoken with several stakeholders and experts in this field,I know I'm not alone in my position.
In its September 2017 report on reform to whistleblower protections,a bipartisan committee of Liberal,Labor,Nationals,Greens and crossbench parliamentarians explained that"effective whistleblowing provides an essential service in fostering integrity and accountability while deterring and exposing misconduct,fraud and corruption". Those words should be heeded. The proposed changes to official secrecy offences represent a potent threat to whistleblowers,and should not become law in their present form. Australia simply cannot afford to continue disliking whistleblowers.
John Wilson is the managing legal director atBradley Allen Love Lawyers and an accredited specialist in industrial relations and employment law. He thanks his colleague Kieran Pender for his help in preparing this