Rosheen Kaul's hot sauce recipes:Peach and jalapeno;charred habanero and garlic;tropical hot sauce;and tomatillo verde.

Recipe collection

Hot sauce summer:Recipes to make the most of seasonal produce

Late summer gives us a glut of tomatoes and stone fruit that taste like sunshine encapsulated,particularly if you get them direct from farms and smaller producers in the market.There are times in the restaurant when I get so excited about juicy,green zebra tomatoes,"eating"peppers such as padrons or shishitos or tiny,sweet tropea onions that I order far more than I need for the week,and am stuck with a fridge bursting with produce. It's a wonderful problem to have,but it also means that I've had to learn to make the most of a summer bounty.Of course,eating tomatoes simply with a glug of good olive oil and a little fish sauce (much better than salt) is also strongly encouraged–Rosheen Kaul

4 recipes