Alexander Petrov,left,and Ruslan Boshirov charged as the two Russians responsible for the Novichok poisonings in Britain. Boshirov's real identity has been revealed to be Colonel Anatoliy Vladimirovich Chepiga.

Alexander Petrov,left,and Ruslan Boshirov charged as the two Russians responsible for the Novichok poisonings in Britain. Boshirov's real identity has been revealed to be Colonel Anatoliy Vladimirovich Chepiga.Credit:Met Police/AP

The disclosure,uncovered by investigative journalism organisation Bellingcat and London'sThe Daily Telegraph,exposes as lies Putin's claims that Skripal's would-be killers were innocent civilians.

Chepiga,posing as Boshirov,and a second agent identified as Alexander Petrov,have insisted theywere on holiday in Salisbury and had no connection with the attack on Skripal,67,and his daughter Yulia,33,using weapons-grade Novichok nerve agent.

The true identity of Petrov remains unclear,butThe Telegraph has established that he was travelling under his real first name,having changed only his surname to an alias. Counter-terrorism police and security services are understood to know his real name.

A former senior Russian military officer said Chepiga's high rank in the GRU,Russia's military intelligence agency,and experience strongly suggested"the job was ordered at the highest level".

The source claimed an attempted assassination of less importance would have been carried out by a lower ranking officer.

This still taken from CCTV and issued by the Metropolitan Police in London shows Ruslan Boshirov,now revealed to be Colonel Anatoliy Vladimirovich Chepiga,at Gatwick airport,England,on March 2,2018.

This still taken from CCTV and issued by the Metropolitan Police in London shows Ruslan Boshirov,now revealed to be Colonel Anatoliy Vladimirovich Chepiga,at Gatwick airport,England,on March 2,2018.Credit:AP

A Tory minister said:"This is further embarrassment for Putin and Russia. This is the latest in a series of cock-ups by the GRU. It will have the opposite effect he will have wanted. It shows an inept capability that has been exposed. There is no doubt that the Salisbury poisoning was part of a wider plan of Putin reaffirming Russia as a superpower and letting people know what Russia is capable of.


"This was a message to the West and his own people - cross me and there are consequences.

"He has learnt that he simply won't get away with it."

Boris Johnson,Britain's former foreign secretary,said:"Utterly predictable news that GRU behind Skripal atrocity. What have you got to say,Putin? And I hope we hear real condemnation from[Opposition Leader Jeremy] Corbyn."

The disclosure comes as Prime Minister Theresa May told the UN Security Council that Russia should not"be in any doubt"that if it did not"rejoin the international consensus against the use of chemical weapons"then Britain and its allies would be forced to take action.

British Prime Minister Theresa May speaks at the Bloomberg Global Business Forum in New York.

British Prime Minister Theresa May speaks at the Bloomberg Global Business Forum in New York.Credit:AP

European arrest warrants and Interpol red notices have been issued for the two men,who are accused of the murder of Dawn Sturgess,a Salisbury woman inadvertently poisoned by a discarded Novichok bottle,and the attempted murder of the Skripals.

Both men - under the aliases Boshirov and Petrov - have been charged by the Crown Prosecution Service with the poisoning of the Skripals.

After Scotland Yard released its evidence - including CCTV showing the men close to Skripal's home on the day he was poisoned -the pair appeared on Russian TV,on Putin's orders,to claim that they worked in the fitness industry and their sole reason for visiting Britain was to see the historic sites of"wonderful"Salisbury.

May had publicly accused them of being members of the GRU.

Chepiga has been fighting in an elite special forces unit - Spetsnaz - under the command of the GRU for 17 years and working undercover for at least nine years.

He has been given more than 20 awards,although unlike most of the other recipients little public information is available about him.

In this video grab provided by the RT channel,Ruslan Boshirov,left,believed to be Colonel Anatoliy Vladimirovich Chepiga,and Alexander Petrov attend their first public appearance in an interview with the Kremlin-funded RT channel in Moscow,Russia.

In this video grab provided by the RT channel,Ruslan Boshirov,left,believed to be Colonel Anatoliy Vladimirovich Chepiga,and Alexander Petrov attend their first public appearance in an interview with the Kremlin-funded RT channel in Moscow,Russia.Credit:RT via AP

The medals are normally awarded by the Russian president personally,and are given to only a handful of people each year.

The website of the Far-Eastern Military Command Academy,where Chepiga studied,lists all of its alumni who have received the Hero of the Russian Federation award with a detailed description of the acts for which they were recognised.

In Chepiga's case,it simply says:"Anatoly Vladimirovich Chepiga was awarded the honorary title of Hero of the Russian Federation by order of the president of the Russian Federation."


His name also appears on a statue in honour of the alumni of the Far-Eastern Military Command who have received the Hero medal at its base on the border with China.

The secretive nature of Chepiga's award,combined with the timing in 2014,suggests that it was for actions in Ukraine.

Involvement in Ukraine would explain the secrecy around Chepiga's award. It is referred to on the website of a veteran's group,with the comment:"You can become a hero even in our seemingly peaceful times."

It states:"Anatoly Vladimirovich Chepiga,a native of the village of Nikolayevka and 2001 graduate of the Far-Eastern Military Command Academy,was deployed to Chechnya three times and has more than 20 awards and medals. In December 2014,Colonel Chepiga was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation for carrying out a peacekeeping mission."

Chepiga was born in Nikolayevka,a small village with only 300 residents near Russia's border with China,in 1979. At the age of 18 he enrolled in the Far-Eastern Military Command Academy in Blageoveschensk,less than an hour from his home. The academy is an elite training ground for marine commandos and officers in the Spetsnaz.

At the time he was a student,it was known for training officers involved in overseas clandestine operations.

Bellingcat and the Insider Russia website have uncovered a passport file from 2003 in which Chepiga applies for a passport in his real name. His address is given as the military unit in Khabarovsk,which is on the Russia-China border,east of Blageoveschensk.

Experts believe that,because of his rank and the nature of his work,he may have studied at the Military Diplomatic Academy,also known as the"GRU Conservatory".

The Telegraph,London,with Alec Luhn in Moscow

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