KAP state leader Robbie Katter is seeking legal advice following the CCC's report into his complaint about staffing cuts.

KAP state leader Robbie Katter is seeking legal advice following the CCC's report into his complaint about staffing cuts.Credit:AAP Image/ Dan Peled

Ms Palaszczukripped up the deal for five extra staff earlier this month,leading Mr Katter torefer her and the LNP to the Crime and Corruption Commission.

On Thursday,the CCC said,based on the information available,Ms Palasczuk's commentsmay involve an offence of bribery of a member of Parliament.

"The Premier's answer allegedly contained an implied threat to withdraw KAP staffing resources with the intent to influence KAP parliamentary members in their vote and opinion upon a question arising in the Legislative Assembly,"the CCC's statement read.

But CCC chairman Alan MacSporran said the bribery charge was designed for secret attempts to influence MPs through threats and intimidation,rather than remarks made in Parliament and there was no reasonable prospect of a successful prosecution.


Instead,the CCC recommended the Parliament deal with the issue.

The CCC said the Premier had the right to allocate and withdraw staff to the KAP but recommended an independent entity be created to make resourcing decisions,rather than the government of the day.


Mr Katter told Fairfax Media he was waiting on legal advice before deciding his next move.

"We would interpret[the report] as confirmation there's a case there and we're waiting on advice from a QC right now that should reveal more,"he said.

"If it recommended as we expect it to,and if it's even consistent with the CCC advice that looks like there's a case to answer,then the Premier should be standing aside."

The KAP wasgranted extra staff in 2015 following negotiations by the Palaszczuk administration to form a minority government.

Mr Katter called on the Parliament,where Labor now holds a majority,to refer Ms Palaszczuk to the powerful ethics committee and reinstate the KAP's resources until a full parliamentary investigation was completed.

"Anything less than that,they run the risk of losing credibility with the Queensland public,"he said.

Mr Katter said he supported the CCC's recommendation that a body be created to make decisions about MPs'resources.

Earlier on Thursday,Ms Palaszczuk said people made comments"in the heat of question time".

"That's the argy-bargy of Parliament,"she said.

LNP deputy leader Tim Mander said the opposition would move to establish a select committee to look at the allegations against the Premier during the next sitting week.

Mr Mander said the committee should be made up of equal numbers from both major parties and representation from the crossbench.

"The Premier should abstain from any such vote on the establishment of the select committee and step aside until the committee fully investigates the matter,"he said.

Mr Mander said the party was open to an independent authority having the power to allocate resources to MPs,rather than the government of the day.

Last month,the LNP pressured Labor to rip up the deal with the KAP as a result of Senator Anning's speech.

But Mr MacSporran cleared LNP members of any misconduct and said they were acting to hold the government to account.

Ms Palaszczuk's office was contacted for further comment.

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