Commonwealth Bank CEO Matt Comyn.

Commonwealth Bank CEO Matt Comyn.Credit:Brook Mitchell

Mr Comyn told the hearing that in one meeting in May 2015 - when he was running the retail bank - he argued for the insurance sales to be stopped and was told by Mr Narev to"temper your sense of justice."


Senior counsel assisting the commission,Rowena Orr,QC,took Mr Comyn to a hand-written note he had prepared that recorded this comment,alongside his concerns about the worth of the insurance policies being sold.

“How did you feel about that comment from the CEO at that time,Mr Comyn?” Ms Orr asked.

“I suspect I was slightly irritated by it,” Mr Comyn replied.

Mr Narev on Tuesday said in a statement:"I understand the interest but I respect the process (of the royal commission). It's not appropriate for me to comment at this time."


Mr Comyn also told the hearing that in April 2016,Mr Narev told him he would ask CBA executive David Cohen to do a review into consumer credit insurance.

"And did Mr Cohen do that review,Mr Comyn?"Ms Orr asked.

"No,he did not,"Mr Comyn replied.

"Why not?"

"I don't know whether he ever received the instruction from Mr Narev."

Later,in June 2016,Mr Comyn sent an email to Mr Narev,with a series of questions that he suggested Mr Narev could ask the wealth division,which manufactured the insurance,about how it served customers'needs.

Former CBA chief Ian Narev with executive David Cohen.

Former CBA chief Ian Narev with executive David Cohen.Credit:Andrew Meares

Mr Comyn told the hearing on Tuesday that Mr Narev did not ask these questions.

After this,Mr Comyn said he did not make any further attempts to have CBA stop selling the insurance,until the bank stopped selling it in March this year,when he was one month away from formally starting as CEO.

On Monday,the commission heard that CBA was making about $150 million a year from the insurance,but Mr Comyn said this amount was not worth the risk taking into account the $4 billion a year in profits being made by the retail bank.

CBA announced earlier this yearit would stop selling consumer credit insurance, which was promoted as helping customers meet debt repayments if they get sick,die or lose their job. The watchdog has slammed the product for being linked with"poor consumer outcomes".

Mr Comyn said he did not think CBA's commercial interests were Mr Narev's"primary focus"in making the decision to continue selling consumer credit insurance.

Even so,Mr Comyn agreed that CBA's problems with consumer credit insurance were a clear example of it putting financial objectives before the interests of its customers.

In response to broader questions about its culture and leadership,Mr Comyn said the most important thing he could do as CEO was to pick the right leaders in the bank - something that had not been done in the past.

"And do you feel that CBA has had the right leaders in the past?,"Ms Orr asked.

"No,"Mr Comyn replied.

"Do you feel that they have the right leaders now?,"Ms Orr said.

"We will see. I hope so,"Mr Comyn said.

Mr Comyn told the hearing 64,000 customers would be compensated for credit card protection policies,worth $15 million,and a further $31 million to 90,000 peopole for loan protection products.

Mr Comyn said he did not take his concerns about consumer credit insurance to the board of CBA at the time,which was being chaired by David Turner,because he thought the board would push the matter back to Mr Narev.

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