Australian Border Force and police officers conduct a drug raid last year.

Australian Border Force and police officers conduct a drug raid last year.

On October 19,2012,a long-serving Australian Border Force official called Mohamed Deeb took a break from annual leave to stop by his office in Sydney. It was 6.40pm and he was checking on an incoming consignment of clothes.

Deeb made seven checks of the Customs database that Friday evening. Twenty hours later,on Saturday evening,he was back at it,checking the clothes import 16 more times. On Monday,the veteran ABF official checked again.

Deeb kept monitoring the clothes consignment while on leave up until the import was searched by officials. It was then that officers discovered six kilograms of methamphetamine hidden amongst the clothing. Three hours after the drugs were discovered,Deeb was at it again,performing a final search of the database. It confirmed the consignment had been intercepted or,in the jargon of the criminal underworld,was “hot”.

What happened next raises serious questions about Australia’s national anti-corruption regime. At a time when independent MP Cathy McGowan has tabled a private member's bill to establish a federal anti-corruption commission similar to ICAC in NSW or IBAC in Victoria – and the Morrison government argues the existing agencies are up to the task – the case of Mohamed Deeb suggests the national approach is in need of reform.

Police and security agencies are frustrated by the alleged involvement of Border Force insiders in helping crime groups avoid detection at Australian ports.

Police and security agencies are frustrated by the alleged involvement of Border Force insiders in helping crime groups avoid detection at Australian ports.Credit:Joe Armao

NSW Court of Appeal records reveal that last February,a case against a member of the syndicate suspected of importing the drugs hidden in the clothes collapsed after the court found there was not enough evidence to prove the man was behind the shipment. Evidence tendered earlier in proceedings suggested the syndicate somehow knew the shipment was “hot”.

In August,several months after he’d been sacked from the Australian Border Force,Deeb was charged,but neither for drug importation nor corruption. Penny pinching and competing priorities of state and federal police meant authorities took the cheaper and simpler option,according to officials familiar with the matter who did not want to be named.


Deeb was charged in the Parramatta Local Court with three relatively minor data access offences. In return for a guilty plea,the three charges were reduced to one.

He is unlikely to do jail time.

The clothing consignment is not the only dubious shipment that allegedly involves Deeb. Briefings from law enforcement insiders and documents reviewed byThe Age andSydney Morning Herald suggest that,between 2012 and 2017,Deeb helped facilitate at least three drug importations by providing access to sensitive government databases to powerful organised crime syndicates.

Deeb,who was employed as a Customs officer in 2001 before shifting to the newly formed Australian Border Force in 2015,used two federal databases to track shipments which were later found to contain drugs as he worked as the suspected inside man for a crime syndicate with links to Australian underworld kingpin Bassam Hamzy.

The now-jailed underworld kingpin Bassam Hamzy.

The now-jailed underworld kingpin Bassam Hamzy.

It's not suggested that Deeb actually knew what was in the shipments.

His sacking,charges and guilty plea were not part of any public disclosure by the nation’s peak agency for investigating graft,the Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity.


The full story of his alleged involvement in multiple drug shipments,and other similar cases,would likely never have been exposed if federal and state officials had not broken ranks to briefThe Age andHerald about them.

Federal and state police officials claim the Deeb case is just one example of how the existing anti-corruption regime is failing,and how ACLEI is not fit for purpose. A dozen senior serving and former police interviewed over many months are uniform in their consensus that ACLEI is badly outgunned in the battle against organised crime. It is a view shared privately by federal Coalition sources.

They say that the agency is simply unable to consistently do its job of exposing major corruption in the Commonwealth.

Operations Arrowhead and Dureau

The probe into Mohamed Deeb formed part of several secret and now defunct national anti-corruption operations,codenamed Operation Arrowhead and Operation Dureau,which identified suspected threats to Australia’s border security in both Sydney and Melbourne.

The threats centred on insiders – Border Force officials with suspected links to Balkan and Middle Eastern organised crime gangs,including a syndicate closely connected to Hamzy,a radical Islamist who is doing time in the Goulburn supermax prison for several crimes including murder,conspiracy to murder,and drug supply.

A third operation targeted a suspected Italian mafia member planted inside ABF in Melbourne. The work of Arrowhead and Dureau has never been revealed to the public or politicians,nor has it been subject to a public hearing,which would have enabled ACLEI to examine suspected corruption and its causes in the open.


In fact,since its inception in 2006,ACLEI has not held a single public hearing into any Commonwealth corruption matter. Most of the agency’s public reports are brief and several deal with relatively trivial conduct.


Arrowhead and Dureau also exposed major border security weaknesses,including the frequent use of unaccompanied baggage consignments to smuggle drugs,and the extreme vulnerability to corruption of sensitive government databases used by Border Force.

Serious concerns about the capacity of ACLEI have been raised consistently over the past decade. Senior policing sources said that Taskforce Marca,which was run by the Australian Federal Police and ACLEI and led to the charging of eight Customs officers with corruption related offences in 2012-13,was wrapped up prematurely. The sources say the decision to finish early left suspected corrupt officers in the field.

“We could have gone on for another year at least,” said a senior official involved in the taskforce. Similar concerns have been raised by law enforcement sources in respect of two other ACLEI probes:one targeted corruption in the Melbourne offices of Australia's bio-security agency in 2016;the other involved border officers working at Sydney airport.

The Melbourne probe led to another underwhelming court result and,outside ofan investigation byThe Age,no detailed public exposure of any systemic issues.

In most of the cases,ACLEI has been forced to rely on skeleton staff and hand-outs from state and federal policing agencies. In 2016,a senior ACLEI investigator described the agency as struggling to keep up with its workload due to under-resourcing and directed by commissioners not prepared to call a public hearing to expose serious corruption. That staff member left disgruntled. Two years later,identical complaints were made by other insiders.


In early October this year,ACLEI Commissioner Michael Griffin wrote in the agency’s annual report of the “ongoing challenge in managing ACLEI’s workload.”

“Maintaining the focus on serious and systemic corruption requires constant evaluation of priorities and resource allocation,” he wrote.

“The impact of the most recent change that affects ACLEI’s jurisdiction – the creation of the Department of Home Affairs in late December 2017,bringing into jurisdiction an additional 1000 staff,many of whom perform potentially high corruption risk functions – is yet to be fully determined.”

Responding to questions about the effectiveness of its approach,ACLEI toldThe Age andHerald on Friday that “it is now operating effectively at full capacity having been able to recruit and retain highly skilled and experienced staff.” It said much of its most effective work is necessarily hidden from public view.

The focus on serious and systemic corruption requires constant evaluation.

Michael Griffin,Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity Commissioner

“Targets are almost always skilled in covering their tracks and these investigations are inevitably ‘slow burns’ taking considerable time and being resource intensive,” the statement said.

The agency did not explain why key investigations,such as Dureau and Arrowhead,had,according to insiders and court records,not only taken a long time,but failed to lead to significant prosecutions or the public exposure of corruption. Or why many senior police have little faith in its approach.


‘A begging bowl approach’

In November 2013,after eight Customs officers were arrested by the federal police and ACLEI for aiding drug importers,then customs commissioner Roman Quaedvlieg and border security department head Michael Pezzullo launched an intelligence sweep codenamed Pharos.

Pharos checked the bank accounts,relatives and associates of Customs officials to identify those who may have been involved in corruption. The sweep was partly prompted by persistent claims from state and federal organised crime investigators that their inquiries were being undermined by suspected corrupt border force staff in Sydney and Melbourne.

Left:Then Australian Border Force Commissioner Roman Quaedvlieg in 2016. Right:Immigration Minister Peter Dutton with his department secretary Michael Pezzullo.

Left:Then Australian Border Force Commissioner Roman Quaedvlieg in 2016. Right:Immigration Minister Peter Dutton with his department secretary Michael Pezzullo.Credit:Alex Ellinghausen

After several months,Pharos identified more than two dozen potentially high-risk staff.

One of them was the then 37-year-old Deeb,who appeared to have unexplained wealth and friends in Sydney’s underworld. ACLEI was notified about Deeb and other officers whose conduct raised red flags.

“We didn’t have anything hard on him at that stage,so we referred him to ACLEI” in about 2014,said a Border Force source. “ACLEI sat on it for ages as it figured out what to do.”

The Deeb referral coincided with a steady stream of notifications to the Canberra-based agency between 2014 and 2017. The NSW Crime Commission told ACLEI that its informers had identified at least two Customs officials in Sydney – a woman and a figure known as “the Celt” – who were suspected to be helping crime syndicates evade border controls. NSW Police identified several more.

In Melbourne,the federal police notified ACLEI it was hunting for a Border Force mole suspected of working with the Italian mafia,while Victoria Police identified an alleged corruption cell inside the nation’s bio-security agency.

This stream of intelligence presented ACLEI with hard choices. With fewer than two dozen investigators and an annual budget of less than $14 million,it needed to call on other state or federal agencies to effectively prop up its operations. Two ACLEI sources described it as a begging-bowl approach to investigations that risked making the agency captive to the resourcing whims and policing priorities of other agencies,including those ACLEI oversees.

To deal with the allegations,the AFP,Border Force and ACLEI agreed to form a joint taskforce and launch multiple operations in Sydney and Melbourne. Operation Arrowhead was aimed at suspected corruption within the ABF’s client services area. Operation Dureau turned its focus to the Border Force officer known as the Celt.

Trip to Thailand

When the Celt booked a trip to Thailand,investigators were watching. They noticed a familiar name on the passenger logs:the Celt's travelling partner was Deeb.

When the pair returned to Sydney,Deeb was followed. He met with a relative of Hamzy and a second suspected Middle Eastern crime figure. Hamzy is the notorious founder of the Brothers for Life gang,and has presided over serious criminal activity in Sydney and interstate even after he was jailed in 1999.

Court files reveal that one of the men Deeb was in contact with was already suspected by NSW Police of importing methamphetamine in an airfreight consignment of clothes in October 2012.

When ACLEI and AFP investigators checked to see if Deeb had any connection to the clothes importation,they discovered disturbing information. Official records reveal that on 473 occasions,Deeb had used ABF databases to check on the movement of the consignment and whether it had been searched by his fellow officers.

It wasn’t the only time that Deeb had checked on an importation without any legitimate reason,according to formal records. He also conducted multiple checks on a shipment of furniture that arrived at Port Botany on April 25,2013. Once again,this access assured Deeb of having advance notice if the shipment was hot. And it was.

When officials searched the furniture,they discovered 68 kilograms of methamphetamine and 35 kilograms of illegal molasses tobacco. Deeb also conducted unauthorised computer searches of another shipment that arrived at Port Botany on November 28,2013,which revealed to him that officers had conducted only a partial search and found nothing suspicious. Records link this shipment to a close associate of Deeb.

The two-tonne importation

In early 2017,ACLEI asked the AFP and NSW Police to resource an ongoing investigation into Deeb.

A listening device planted by law enforcement officials in an alleged crime figure’s home had recorded Deeb having a whispered conversation.

Sources have confirmed that during this conversation,the suspected crime figure appeared to urge Deeb to help him with a two-tonne cocaine importation from Belize. Deeb resisted,complaining he hadn’t been paid for an earlier importation.

This evidence had been overlooked months before because – according to confidential sources – ACLEI lacked the technical capacity to properly assess it.

Despite the new evidence,the federal police,citing other priorities,refused to keep funding the ACLEI inquiry. Soon after this,NSW Police followed suit. Sources claim that the AFP suggested a less resource-intensive route:sacking Deeb from the ABF and wrapping up the operation.

After intensive lobbying by ACLEI staff,a third option was finally settled on. Rather than investigate the full scope of Deeb’s suspected activities and hold him accountable via a major conspiracy to import prosecution or public hearing,ACLEI decided to brief Commonwealth prosecutors with evidence to charge him with the three relatively minor offences of unauthorised access to a government database. These were reduced to one in October after Deeb agreed to plead guilty.

The final charge sheet that will be presented at his upcoming sentencing hearing contains no mention of the Hamzy crime family,the two-tonne importation or,indeed,any accusation that Deeb had any knowledge his unlawful database access had anything to do with drug importations.

“It is not suggested that the defendant had any knowledge of the content of the consignment” filled with ice and which Deeb checked on,unlawfully,473 times,the court file states.

Deeb,through his lawyer,declined to comment.

False leads and bait

Taskforce Arrowhead,which probed links between Balkan organised crime and a colleague of Deeb’s also ended in failure. A former law enforcement officer says that its key target,a suspected corrupt ABF officer in Sydney,appeared to have learned he was being probed and began baiting investigators with false leads. He was sacked along with another suspected corrupt colleague,but both escaped charges and meaningful public accountability.

In Melbourne,a major ACLEI investigation into a corrupt border bio-security official that initially resulted in serious charges in 2016 eventually ended with the former official avoiding a criminal conviction.

There have been some successes,with the AFP helping ACLEI charge a serving border force official,Craig Eakin,and a former official in 2017 with helping a drug syndicate beat Australia’s border controls. Both pleaded guilty in August.

But multiple sources with deep knowledge of these investigations insist the full picture of corruption,and the culture and systemic problems that allowed it to fester,has never been properly exposed.

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