Staff escorting prisoners through Lotus Glen Correctional Centre.

Staff escorting prisoners through Lotus Glen Correctional Centre.Credit:AAP Image/Human Rights Watch,Daniel Soekov

In a report handed down on Friday,the CCC found alleviating prison overcrowding was essential to reducing the risk of corruption.

Between 2013 and 2018,prisoner numbers increased by 43 per cent,with current figures showing Queensland jails are at 125 per cent capacity.

A lack of available space meant prisoners were doubling up in cells originally designed for one person. Failing to separate vulnerable prisoners,or those who had committed minor offences from hardened criminals,reduced safety and could lead to further criminalisation.

It also placed a strain on critical prison infrastructure such assewerage and heating,deprived prisoners of access to kitchen equipment and telephone calls,and could increase the risk of attacks on other prisoners and staff.

The CCC said contraband,such as drugs,tattoo guns,phones and SIM cards,were brought into jail by visitors,prisoners and guards,dropped by drones and sent in the mail.

The CCC identified instances of correctional officers supplying contraband to prisoners for payment and colluding to subvert search procedures.

Over the four years to mid-2017,there were 8800 instances where contraband was found.


Prisoners with special needs were more dependent on services and correctional staff and were at risk of being exploited as a result of corrupt conduct,and the CCC argued more needed to be done to improve prisoner health.


Prisoners who needed health care were vulnerable to corrupt behaviour,such as disclosing confidential health information,withholding medication or not responding to requests for medical care.

The inherently closed nature of prisons and lack of public visibility of what went on behind prison doors created favourable conditions for corruption and decreased the likelihood that corruption would be detected and exposed,the CCC said.

But greater investment in surveillance technology,improved public reporting and a properly resourced independent inspectorate of prisons would facilitate transparency and accountability.

The CCC said the relationship between guards and prisoners,which was necessary to maintain order in a prison,created a significant corruption risk.

"Prisons hold drug users,violent offenders and seasoned criminals who desire to continue their criminal activities during their sentence and need correctional officers to assist them to carry them out,or at least turn a blind eye,"the report said.

"The deprivation of liberty imposed by imprisonment creates conditions conducive to corruption as prisoners seek to gain control over their lives."

It also found privately operated prisons created challenges for the state government in ensuring prisoners detained in the facilities were treated humanely and had appropriate access to programs and services.

A CCC survey suggested widespread under-reporting of corrupt conduct by staff and prisoners.

Analysis suggested that while 223 allegations about staff were received by the CCC between October 2017 and March 2018,if all allegations were reported,it would be closer to 701 to 786 cases.

Allegations were not reported due to culture,fear of reprisal and a lack of understanding about corruption and how to report it.

The CCC made 33 recommendations,including establishing a culture change program,to seek to improve the performance of Queensland Corrective Services and external oversight mechanisms.

The CCC also recommended the law should also be changed to grant broader powers to search staff working in prisons;CCTV systems should be reviewed to reduce high-risk blind spots,and QCS should introduce an email process to decrease the amount of mail entering prisons via the postal system.

"Ultimately,these reforms will improve safety for staff and prisoners,ensure decisions are ethical and impartial,enhance accountability and transparency,and raise performance standards,"CCC chairman Alan MacSporran said.

"We found that there are significant corruption risks in Queensland prisons and the existing anti-corruption framework is not effectively preventing,detecting or dealing with them."

During16 days of public hearings,the CCC heard from 34 witnesses,while more than one-third of prisoners and 18 per cent of staff filled out an anonymous survey.

Corrective Services Minister Mark Ryan said QCS was beginning a new era as a standalone department with a new commissioner,Peter Martin,at the helm.

"The Commissioner has already taken significant steps to bolster the ethical standards framework and we both know there is more work to be done across Queensland's prisons system,"he said.

"We have made significant investments to expand the capacity of our correctional facilities since we came to government in 2015."

Mr Ryan announced an extra $15 million over two years for 1000 new prison beds.

LNP leader Deb Frecklington said prison staff were doing a"damn hard job"but were being let down by the government and were being treated as punching bags.

"We need to restore order in our prisons and deliver effective rehabilitation,because right now some offenders are coming out of prison more violent than when they went in,"she said.

Greens MP Michael Berkman called for the government to end private prisons as they caused"significant corruption risks".

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