John Howard leads the State Police Ministers to the conference room to discuss gun law reform.Credit:Andrew Meares
First published in the Sydney Morning Herald on May 11,1996
Australia will have its first comprehensive national approach to gun control after the Prime Minister,Mr Howard,last night secured a historic deal with State and Territory police ministers.
The agreement,which provides a unified government response to the Port Arthur massacre two weeks ago,will see a sweeping ban on the sale and possession of automatic and semi-automatic weapons.
The States will also move swiftly to enact uniform legislation involving:
* A nationwide registration system linking weapons with their owners.
* A much tougher licensing system,giving police broad powers to refuse people the right to possess firearms.
* A 12-month amnesty,giving owners time to hand over outlawed weapons before the introduction of new sanctions,including"severe penalties"for possession of prohibited weapons.
* A buy-back system,allowing owners and dealers to be compensated for the return of weapons acquired legally.
The deal was reached after about eight hours of talks. As expected,the stumbling block was the resistance of the conservative States,particularly Victoria,Western Australia and the Northern Territory,to a complete ban on low-powered semi-automatics such as popular .22 rifles.