A victim of forced labor speaks during an interview in a village in northern Myanmar this month.

A victim of forced labor speaks during an interview in a village in northern Myanmar this month.Credit:Reuters

It’s also a problem in Australia,with numerous cases heard by the courts and many more thought to be undetected. Forced labour might be subsidising the tomato grown in the market garden across town,or the cleaning bills for a shop in your neighbourhood.

But it’s so well hidden that there has been little that you as a consumer could about it. Until now.

From next Monday,many Australian businesses will be forced to start documenting the risk of slavery in their supply chain,making them accountable not just for their own workers but those of suppliers and suppliers’ suppliers – all the way back to the extraction of raw materials.

The Commonwealth Modern Slavery Act was passed last year and took effect in January,binding companies with annual revenue of more than $100 million,and also the federal government.

The law required organisations to start reporting on the risk of slavery in their supply chains for their next fiscal year. For most businesses,that’s the new financial year,starting July 1 and running until the end of June 2020. The reports are due several months after that.

The law isn’t perfect,but it goes further than most other countries around the world and it should help bring the problem into the open.


The reports will be published in a central repository online,open to the public,and the government will also name and shame companies that do not comply.

The main limitation is that there are no penalties beyond the threat of bad publicity. Companies will only fear that outcome if the public proves they actually care about the issue. News outlets need to report on it,and consumers need to read and engage with those stories,lobby the companies directly,and ultimately vote with their wallets.

Once these issues become public,it becomes just as much a test of ordinary Australians and their values as of the companies themselves.

There’s no reason to wait. As Carolyn Kitto,co-director of Stop the Traffik,points out,there is already quite a bit of information for consumers such as Baptist World Aid’s annual Ethical Fashion Report or various certifications for chocolate.

I wonder how effective companies will be at analysing and managing their supply chains. There are software tools that make the job easier and as Kitto says,companies should start with the suppliers known to be in high-risk industries or regions rather than trying to investigate every supplier.


Yet the shortcomings of how food companies have dealt with contamination scandals – from E.coli in milk to faecal matter in frozen berries – don’t exactly inspire confidence.

Lisa Mitchell,a supply chain specialist and founder of Corporate Transformation Services,warns there could be an “economic reward for laggards”.

“That is,companies that are slow to work through this will continue to sell underpriced products into their markets,and receive the economic benefit of this for some time until consumers are fully aware of their actions,” Mitchell says.

On the other hand,Kitto’s experience is that companies benefit from doing the right thing,because it enhances their reputation with staff,suppliers and customers.

What do we mean by “modern slavery”?

Jennifer Burn,professor of law at the University of Technology Sydney and now the NSW Anti-Slavery Interim Commissioner,describes modern slavery as an umbrella term that includes forced labour,servitude and forced marriage. At its heart,it is the same age-old wrong as all slavery,involving “commodification of the body of a man,woman or child,the theft of liberty and sometimes life”.

There have been a number of successful prosecutions over modern slavery in Australia,often involving domestic servitude,sexual servitude and seasonal labour in food production.

In 2018 alone,Anti-Slavery Australia helped more than 123 people who had been trafficked to Australia,or faced slavery-like conditions in Australia. But the problem is much greater,since only one in five victims are detected,according to a recent report by the Australian Institute of Criminology.

The Global Slavery Index estimates there are about 4300 people trapped in modern slavery in Australia.

NSW has passed its own Modern Slavery Act,and this law goes further than the Commonwealth version,applying to smaller companies,imposing actual penalties,and creating the role of a NSW Anti-Slavery Commissioner. However,implementation has been delayed,with Special Minister of State Don Harwin,who inherited responsibility in the ministerial reshuffle,sending it for further review before passing it into regulation.

There is no state version of the Modern Slavery Act in Victoria,though there are some provisions in human rights law that can be applied. Victoria won't want to be left behind on this,so watch this space.

Caitlin Fitzsimmons is the associate editor ofThe Sun-Herald and a columnist.

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