Craig Farrell with City Library's Anne-Maree Pfabe.

Craig Farrell with City Library's Anne-Maree Pfabe.Credit:Chris Hopkins

Melbourne City Council has decided to hire a social worker for its libraries,in an Australian-first program to provide support services to the homeless.

More of Melbourne’s most vulnerable people are relying on libraries to access information,use free computers and wifi and “just find somewhere that is safe,warm and welcoming”,according to Lord Mayor Sally Capp.

“Our libraries are for everyone,” she says.

The librarians at City Library know Mr Farrell by name and don’t mind that he lost his library card. They waived his fine when his library books were stolen.

The guy who runs Journal Cafe in the library “is really nice and always helps me out”.

“They don’t judge me because I am homeless,” Mr Farrell says. “This is a place you are not going to get turned away.”

He churns through books:“I read a lot of Greek mythology and history,pretty much anything sci-fi,Terry Pratchett is my favourite author.”


But normally in the library he dozes off. “It’s so quiet and warm. This is one place where you won’t get harassed. They have security but they won’t kick you out. One of the rules is that you can fall asleep but you can’t lie down and spread out,snoring your head off.”

The social worker concept comes from similar programs in San Francisco and Denver in the USA.

When Leah Esguerra was appointed to San Francisco Public Library as a social worker in 2009,she recalls a colleague quipping “let me know if they need a social worker at the airport”. “It was so unusual,” she says.

Leah Esguerra,a social worker at San Francisco Public Library.

Leah Esguerra,a social worker at San Francisco Public Library.

More than 30 libraries across the United States have hired social workers.

In the past decade the San Francisco Public Library has also employed a team of health and safety associates – people with lived experience of homelessness,known as HASAs – to assist with outreach.

“When it’s appropriate they try to disclose their own experience to encourage people to get help,” Ms Esquerra says.

“The library staff have a better understanding of the issues that our patrons deal with such as mental health,poverty,substance use,homelessness,etc,as they interact and work side by side with[those] who have lived experience with the same issues.”

Mr Farrell welcomes the idea. He says most people who sleep rough are nocturnal,which makes it harder to access homeless services during the day.

“When you sleep outside you are not really sleeping. Even if it’s nice weather,it’s still dangerous. You get a lot of drunks throw stuff at you or kick you. A guy I knew who was sleeping in front of a 7/11 had boiling water poured over him … I have had beers poured on me.”

It would be nice to have someone in his corner,he says. Mr Farrell says he is on a list for housing,but because he does not have mental health problems,children or issues with substance abuse he is not prioritised.

Libraries have been Mr Farrell's safe place ever since his father took him and his sisters to one every Saturday. “I’d work here if they would hire me,” he says.

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