During his apology,he also admitted to performing"Day O",a traditional Jamaican song made famous by Harry Belafonte,in brownface during a high school talent show years earlier. The Canadian Broadcasting Corp then published a picture from that performance that was confirmed as authentic by a spokeswoman.
On Thursday morning,local time,more damaging material surfaced. Trudeau’s campaign spokeswoman,Zita Astravas,confirmed that a video posted by GlobalNews,a Canada-based news organisation,showed the Prime Minister in the early 1990s wearing dark make-up and an Afro wig. In the video,he is waving his hands around and sticking out his tongue.
"We can confirm that it is him and it's from the early 1990s,"a Liberal official said of the video without clarifying the circumstances around the video.
Trudeau was in Winnipeg,Manitoba,for a campaign stop on Thursday,and said he was wary of being definitive about how many times he'd worn brown or blackface because he didn't recall the recent pictures that had surfaced.
"I have to recognise that I was blind to the pain that I caused at those times,"he said.
He spent the morning calling"many"Liberal candidates and community leaders to fully apologise for what he did"knowing how racist and hurtful this type of thing was to do,"spokeswoman Eleanore Catenaro said.