US President Donald Trump sat briefly in the audience.

US President Donald Trump sat briefly in the audience.Credit:AP

UN officials made clear in the lead-up to the summit that only countries prepared to announce new climate reduction measures would be able to speak at the event.

Later in a tweet,Trump said of Thunberg,"She seems like a very happy young girl looking forward to a bright and wonderful future. So nice to see!"

Andrew Highman,the chief executive of global climate action lobby group Mission 2020,said representatives from other countries had noticed Australia's absence from the high-powered event.


"It is really very obvious who is absent from the room,"he said.

"Everyone is well aware that Australia has not made good on its promises in Paris to scale up its commitment to climate action."

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres urged world leaders to move with more urgency before a major climate change meeting in Santiago,Chile,in December.

"Nature is angry and we fool ourselves if we think we can fool nature because nature always strikes back and around the world nature is striking back with fury,"he said.

"The biggest cost is subsidising a dying fossil fuel industry,building more and more coal power plants,and denying what is plain as day,that we are in a deep climate hole and to get out,we must first stop digging."

A newreport by the World Meteorological Organisation,released to coincide with the summit,found that average global temperatures for the 2015-2019 period are on track to be the warmest five-year period on record.

The report found that nations will need to triple their climate change efforts to prevent a two degree rise in global temperatures by the end of the century and increase them five-fold to avoid a 1.5 degree rise.

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