US President Donald Trump and China's President Xi Jinping.

US President Donald Trump and China's President Xi Jinping.Credit:AP

None of the three representatives hosted by the embassy could name a single country outside the US with which China had worse relations. They cited the UK,Germany,France and New Zealand as governments that had better-managed dialogues with China.

Mr Morrison has not visited the country once since he became Prime Minister. German Chancellor Angela Merkel has visited Beijing up to a dozen times in her 15 years in power.

China's President Xi Jinping is expected to meet briefly with Mr Morrison on the sidelines of the Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation forum in Chile in November,but Professor Wang said an invitation to China remains out of the question without Australia offering a compromise on Huawei and other tensions.


"The thing about any political visit is to do something,"said Professor Wang."Solve the problem first and then visit."

Professor Wang said the government was"not so eager to defend Huawei because they are a private company but because it is a symbol of China",while accusing the Australian government of being hypocritical."One time you say you should follow market principles,another time you don't."

The visiting scholars"vehemently rejected"Mr Morrison's claims that China should be treated as a developed nation,arguing on life expectancy,income and inequality,China remained well behind the developed world and would not catch up until 2050.

They said China would continue to see itself as a campaigner for other developing nations on trade and the environment as a"super developing country".


"Australia has been shirking its responsibility for climate change and shifting responsibility to China,"said Dr Chen.

"There is still a long way for China to go. China does not aspire to become a superpower or a developed country. It is just a title,it actually needs to achieve the development."

Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies director Chen Xiaochen said Shanghai,where life expectancy reaches 82,is"probably the only developed city"in China,while rural areas remain far behind.

He said the"rich club"at the World Trade Organisation could change the criteria for developed countries but that would mean renegotiating trade deals with dozens of nations.

The delegation said China would continue to use its status as a developing nation in the Pacific,where it has urged other countries to joinKiribati and theSolomon Islands in rejecting Taiwan and embracing its One-China policy.

"In Fiji,they think China respects them more than you respect them,"Professor Wang said.

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