Clare Burns is the Victorian Labor Party's new state secretary.

Clare Burns is the Victorian Labor Party's new state secretary.Credit:Darrian Traynor

Labor state president Hutch Hussein said Ms Burns would bring “outstanding leadership” and fresh ideas to the role.

“Throughout her career,Clare has been a listener,advocate and doer – whether it’s been working with children as a speech pathologist,advocating with workers as a union organiser or representing Labor as the Northcote candidate,” Ms Hussein said.

“We look forward to her bringing that same passion,energy and commitment into her new leadership role.”


Ms Burns was tipped as Mr Rae's replacement,having had the backing of powerful factional leader,and Local Government Minister,Adem Somyurek.

She contested the Northcote byelection in 2017 following the death of sitting member Fiona Richardson but lost to her Greens opponent Lidia Thorpe.

The 34-year-old had spruiked her left-leaning credentials as a vegan,share-house tenant and secondhand clothes enthusiast during the campaign. Despite losing,she was credited with running a disciplined campaign.


“Our movement’s strongest asset is its people,who bring their full commitment and dedication to social justice and making life better for others,” Ms Burns said in a statement.

“It is for these people,and for all of those who need Labor governments,that as Victorian Labor state secretary I will do everything I can to ensure we remain to be a modern,best-practice member-based organisation and campaign unit.”

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