Crown Casino workers protesting wages and conditions.

Crown Casino workers protesting wages and conditions.Credit:Joe Armao

As the allegations swirled on Tuesday,dozens of Crown workers marched through the CBD to draw attention to their industrial dispute with the casino.

In Canberra,Mr Wilkie said gambling inspectors going outside their own organisation to leak evidence proved there was a crisis and the government needed to act.


“Now,more than ever,it is clear that the only way to get to the bottom of this mess is to hold a royal commission into Australia’s casino industry,"the MP said.

"When Victorian gambling inspectors say they don’t trust their bosses and can no longer count on Victoria Police,it is clear we have reached crisis point."

The Age reported on Monday that a fresh political push for a royal commission was under way,with yet another whistleblower,a limousine chauffeur for Crown,alleging a culture of drugs,prostitution and violence – claims the venue rejects.

Responding to the cash footage,a Crown spokesperson toldThe Age there was"no basis to these allegations".

"Crown has a comprehensive anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing program,which has been and continues to be subject to ongoing regulatory supervision by AUSTRAC,"he said.

"Crown has a strong history of compliance with and commitment to its obligations and we work closely with law enforcement and regulatory agencies in support of that commitment."

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