Labor leader Anthony Albanese says Queensland coal exports can help produce the steel to build the world's wind turbines.

Labor leader Anthony Albanese says Queensland coal exports can help produce the steel to build the world's wind turbines.Credit:Peter Braig

Mr Albanese will say there can be a strong future in the Queensland mining industry,with Australia set to be exporting 15.5 million tonnes of coking coal to build the turbines needed to match forecasts of global growth in wind power capacity to 2030.

"The world is decarbonising. With the right planning and vision,Australia can not only continue to be an energy-exporting superpower,we can also enjoy a new manufacturing boom,"he will say.


He said achieving 50 per cent renewable energy in Australia while building a hydrogen export industry would also create"87,000 good,well-paid jobs".

Continuing his attempts to mend a fractured relationship with big business,Mr Albanese will say that successful businesses and a vibrant economy are"essential prerequisites for job growth".

He will nod to the contribution of 2.2 million small businesses as"particularly important",employing 4.9 million Australians and almost half of all private-sector employees.

"Ensuring they thrive and flourish is vital to our national prosperity,"he will say. "So too is finding and harnessing new drivers of prosperity. We need to shape our changing economy so it serves the Australian people,not the other way around."

Mr Albanese will also challenge the Morrison government to do more to encourage capital investment in a range of industries as well as repeating his calls to bring forward infrastructure spending as part of a measured economic stimulus package to boost a sluggish economy.

"Our manufacturing sector is struggling under record energy prices,without a plan or leadership from the government,"he will say.

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