Gold Coast Sun Jack Martin will join Carlton.

Gold Coast Sun Jack Martin will join Carlton.Credit:Getty Images AsiaPac

"We made a decision that if the players we wanted to select that were going to take us forward were available then we would fill our list tonight. So we don't have a selection tomorrow in the pre-season draft,"Gold Coast Suns list manager Craig Cameron said.

"It does (make a certainty of his move).

"We had discussions all the way through trade period and on going after that (with) decisions around whether we move money and all of that sort of thing and we got to the point where we considered that an option but it is also really important for our footy club to move forward and bring through guys who want to take the footy club forward.

"The other thing I would like to say is we want to wish Jack well,he's a 97-game player for the club and will forever be welcome back."

The Suns had initially threatened to re-draft Martin but when he nominated terms of a five-year contract within which he would be paid about $1.1million in the first year and more than $800,000 in the second year it made it far less likely the Suns would pursue the re-drafting plan.

Melbourne with pick two in the pre-season draft,a pick ahead of Carlton,will not make a play for Martin.


The Demons have two list spots still vacant after the draft but they want to leave those open to potentially recruit Harley Bennell and Mitch Brown.

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