Dawn breaks near Bourke,on the drought-afflicted Darling River.

Dawn breaks near Bourke,on the drought-afflicted Darling River.Credit:Louise Kennerley

The submission,dated December 6,expresses concern that the Morrison government's new Murray-Darling inspector-general may result in"duplication of compliance and enforcement activities".

Deputy Premier John Barilaro last week issued demands that NSW be allowed to keep 450 gigalitres of water that the state had agreed could be set aside for the river's environmental needs.

Mr Barilaro is concerned that too much water will be handed to South Australia and diverted to environmental purposes when irrigators and regional towns are suffering from severe drought.


Mr Barilaro also said water resource plans — which set rules about how much water can be taken out of the system so there is enough left to ensure sensitive environments such as the floodplains are not compromised — should be delayed until the drought had broken.

However,the submission dated December 6 and prepared by Water Minister Melinda Pavey for Monday's cabinet meeting reads:"that NSW may not be in a position to submit eight of its 20 Water Resource Plans to the[Murray-Darling Basin Authority] by 31 December 2019 which may result in non-payment of financial milestones to NSW of over $16 million this financial year".


Environmental scientists are now warning that despite NSW's progress on making sure irrigators are compliant with water rules,the Murray-Darling Basin plan continues to"smack of an almost feudalism that seems to be part of how we treat water in this country".

The submission asks for cabinet to approve,ahead of the Murray-Darling Basin Ministerial Council meeting,a position"that NSW cannot make any further contributions to water recovery including to the additional 450 gigalitres of water to achieve environmental outcomes".

It also asks for agreement on supporting recommendations from a review of the Murray-Darling Basin Authority's modelling requested by NSW and Victoria"in so far as it does not contradict existing NSW policies or create significant additional burden on NSW or our stakeholders".

Ms Pavey declined to comment on the proposals but a spokeswoman said"there is no doubt that NSW communities are doing it tough and have no more to give".

TheHerald reported last month that federal Water Resources Minister David Littleproud would use money set aside for infrastructure to buy back water for environmental use if the Berejiklian government carried out its threat of leaving the agreement.

The National Irrigators'Council,a body traditionally close to the National Party,is also concerned about the plan. Its chief executive Steve Whan,in a letter to Mr Barilaro in November,wrote:"While there may be some appeal in backing a very short-term agenda to ditch the Basin Plan,in the longer term that will certainly end up costing irrigation communities even more".

Former Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder David Papps,who managed the river's environmental allocation,said"the'additional'450GL is an essential,not an optional,part of the plan".

"It was always subject to a so-called socio-economic neutrality test:it was only to be acquired if the economic and social impacts were neutral,"he said.

"Since the adoption of the plan,Victoria and NSW,at the bidding of elements of their irrigation industry,got a revised version of that test adopted ... it's a ridiculous test that almost guarantees none of the 450GL can be acquired,"Mr Papps said on Sunday.

"[This proposal] compounds that act of bad faith and simply confirms the NSW Nationals are happy to trash the iconic rivers and wetlands of the basin for petty partisan politics,especially given their revised test has pretty much delivered the outcome they want."

Mr Littleproud's creation of a Murray-Darling inspector-general,a position held by former Australian Federal Police commissioner Mick Keelty,is also to be discussed on Monday."[Cabinet] not agree to a request for NSW to refer powers to the Commonwealth associated with[the inspector-general] if it will result in duplication of compliance and enforcement activities,"the Cabinet submission reads.


Mr Littleproud has asked Mr Keelty to review water-sharing agreements to see if they still work,and wants states to hand him extensive powers to conduct the inquiries.

Richard Kingsford,the director of UNSW's Centre for Ecosystem Science,said a"neutral umpire"was needed."NSW is doing quite a lot on the compliance front but I do think it's important that an inspector-general can tell other states what a good job NSW is doing,and it's going to be more believable from a neutral party,"Professor Kingsford said.

"One of the things that’s clear — and I talk to people in the agencies right across each of the states – is that there’s a view from every state that they have the best plans."

"The basin targets[agreed to] should be met because the environment is still in a very poor shape,particularly in the floodplain areas. It's ... also the towns along the river,and we know they are running out of water and the native fish populations are also struggling."

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