Rohan Dennis says he is in a much better place after struggling with mental health issues last year.

Rohan Dennis says he is in a much better place after struggling with mental health issues last year.Credit:AP

Dennis commenced his 2020 season with Ineos on Tuesday at the Tour Down Under but the fallout from his dramatic Tour exit was still weighing on his mind on the eve of the race.

The dual time trial world champion signed with the squad late last year as a free agent after he was sacked by Bahrain-Merida in September followinghis dramatic walk-out partway through stage 12 of the Tour de France.


Asked directly why he left the Tour de France,Dennis said he was changing in a way he didn't like.

"Personal family reasons between the person I was becoming due to the situations I was put under,or the environment that I was in,that was causing me to be,let's just say,not a good or a happy person to be around,"he said.

"That environment was[the] team environment. It was snowballing,it was getting worse and in the end I didn't want to be a statistic of a sportsperson who was potentially going to be divorced."

Dennis believes his mental health deteriorated throughout last season,leading his wife,former Australian track cyclist Melissa Hoskins,to start a"frank"conversation about how he was handling work prior to the Tour of Switzerland in June.


The time trial specialist wouldn't specify what aspects of the team environment he struggled with during his nine-month tenure at Bahrain-Merida (now Bahrain McLaren),with whom he is in arbitration.

"It was accidents that were made that were somewhat calculated to hit at certain times of days,to affect either sleep or training,times of the week so nothing could be done over the weekend – that was a favourite move,"he claimed.

"I'm not going to go too deep into it but,yeah,at that point I still was an asset but there were obviously very clear incentives to get me to move on and I'm not the person to lie down and let someone generally take advantage of me in any way,shape or form. It was a recipe for disaster."

Dennis said it was"quite an understatement"to say he was in a bad place mentally last season but he doesn't regret the way he quit the Tour despite the aftermath.

"I didn't realise how bad I was. I heard some stuff from my wife about my psych – that he had plans to take further actions,for my benefit and my mental health benefit – which I didn't actually know about until I reckon two or three weeks ago. When you're in it you're obviously not happy but you don't realise how bad you actually are most of the time,"he said.

A growing number of WorldTour cyclists have begun to see sports psychologists through private or team referral in recent years as mental health has become more openly discussed.

Dennis,who worked regularly with his personal sports psychologist David Spindler after the Tour and in the lead-up tohis successful title defence at the time trial world championships in September,has started the 2020 season with Ineos"happy"despite the ongoing case he has brought against his former team for breach of contract,wrongful termination and damages to health and reputation.

"I think until that door is closed it's always going to be in my mind a little bit but most of the time I'm not actually thinking about it and that turning point was when I moved to Ineos,"he said.

Dennis says he doesn't regret leaving the Tour.

Dennis says he doesn't regret leaving the Tour.Credit:Getty Images

"That was when it was not so much in the front of my mind and the first thing I thought about every time I woke up wasn't that,it was about,‘OK,cool,I'm in a new place,a better place and let's move forward'.

"I'm happy to be in a good place. People around me are noticing that I'm in a much better place mentally and that's the main thing. Family,friends have really noticed the change since December so it's been a very positive move and I'm really keen to keep it going that way as well."

There was some doubt as to how the outspoken time trial specialist would fit in at Ineos. The highly regimented British squad has a stacked roster when it comes to Grand Tour contenders,which Dennis has assiduously worked toward becoming in recent years. But since his signing he has abandoned that goal and will instead focus on targeting smaller stage races,such as Down Under.

"If I'm ever going to win a Grand Tour,or podium,or get a good result … for GC I'm in the right place. I just don't think that's what I really want to go down and try and do any more,"he said.

"It's a different kind of beast to say the least. Time trialers are quite special in themselves but GC riders for Grand Tour is,it's completely different mindset and not just on the bike but also off the bike,having to pretty well sacrifice 99.9 per cent of having a life. You have to be very structured with absolutely everything,from eating,sleeping to be winning something like the Tour de France. I just ended up not finding that enjoyable at all.

"I enjoy what I'm doing and helping other guys try and achieve the Grand Tour success instead."

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