Not happy:US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo,left,after his plane arrived in London.

Not happy:US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo,left,after his plane arrived in London.Credit:PA

Johnsonfaces a Tory rebellion on the decision to allow Huawei to supply up to 35 per cent of the antennae and masts required for country's 5G network,which will not only be superfast,but also connect everything from household appliances to traffic lights and driverless cars.

The decision also frustrated attempts by the United States and Australia to exclude the Chinese telecoms giant from the West's next-generation communications systems. The US warned the decision could compromise the integrity of the Five Eyes intelligence sharing group,which includes the UK,US,Australia,Canada and New Zealand.

At issue is Britain's insistence that the"core"of the 5G network,which handles sensitive data and functions transfer can be separated from the"edge"of the network,as it is in 4G networks. The UK's National Cyber Security Centre,which oversees Britain’s cybersecurity,maintains that separation will be maintained under 5G.

Gilding,the former head of signals intelligence and offensive cyber missions for ASD,disagreed:"The hyperconnected,transformational 5G future marketed by the telcos can only be realised if there is no distinction between core and edge."

“5G decisions reflect one of those quietly pivotal moments that crystallise a change in world affairs,” he wrote.


Britain,with its decision,has effectively dared the US to make good on its threat to cut back the UK's access to Five Eyes intelligence.

Bill Wiggin,a Conservative MP,questioned Johnson on the issue in the British Parliament.

"What plans does he have to convince the US Secretary of State that the Huawei deal is safe not only for our constituents but also for our allies?"Wiggin asked.

Johnson insisted involving Huwaei would not lead to Britain being cut off from the Five Eyes.


"It is absolutely vital that people in this country do have access to the best technology available but that we also do absolutely nothing to imperil our relationship with the United States,to do anything to compromise our critical national security infrastructure or to do anything to imperil our extremely valuable cooperation with Five Eyes security partners,"he said,in his first comments on the decision.

The US on Wednesday urged Britain to rethink its decision to allow China's Huawei a role in 5G networks,cautioning that American information would only be allowed to pass across trusted networks.

"There is also a chance for the United Kingdom to re-look at this as implementation moves forward,"US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told reporters as he flew to London.

"We will make sure that when American information passes across a network we are confident that that network is a trusted one,"he said.

"Our view of Huawei is:putting it in your system creates real risk."

with AP,Reuters

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