Daniel Eckersley arrives at the Supreme Court on Thursday.

Daniel Eckersley arrives at the Supreme Court on Thursday.Credit:AAP

On Thursday,Eckersley was jailed for 18 years,to serve 14 years before he is eligible for parole,in a ruling that angered Ms Harris'family. Her mother screamed abuse at Eckersley as he was led from the Supreme Court dock.

"You bastard! You are nothing but a mongrel. This is bullshit,"the woman yelled.

A man also yelled at Eckersley and Ms Harris'mother continued calling out to the killer outside the court room as he was led towards the cells.

Judge Justice John Champion said Ms Harris,a 36-year-old child care worker,was a loving partner who was trying to get help for Eckersley's mental-health problems in the days before he killed her. The couple were together for 17 years.

"This was a brutal killing,"Justice Champion told the 40-year-old.

"Having committed this awful crime,you did not then help ... but acted to destroy her body and the scene by attempting to burn down your home with her body in it."

But Justice Champion found Eckersley's moral culpability was significantly reduced because he was in an acute,medication-induced psychotic state.


For two years beforehand,Eckersley had taken high dosages of the painkiller,Tramadol,after being forced to stop working as a baker because of a knee injury. Later he was prescribed the anti-depressant Pristiq.

While in his psychotic state,the court heard,Eckersley had delusions his partner was trying to poison him.

A psychotic reaction to Tramadol was rare,Justice Champion said,but recognised,and Eckersley's condition - which included the loss of self-control and judgment,and paranoia - would have been exacerbated by the accompanying use of Pristiq.

Eckersley also previously drank alcohol and used cannabis while using the prescription drugs,but not for the month before the crime. He would not have known taking the prescription drugs could have caused psychosis,the judge said.

The killer's lawyers had called on Justice Champion to moderate his sentence because there was a likelihood he wouldn't have killed Ms Harris had he not been in a psychotic state.

Prosecutors agreed the condition reduced his culpability but argued he knew he shouldn't have been taking both prescription drugs together. His actions provided an explanation but not an excuse,they argued.

Eckersley has prior convictions for assault - but not family violence - but none for using weapons,although he once threatened to cut a man with a knife and was also armed with a knife and hammer but didn't use them in another incident.

Justice Champion was satisfied Eckersley's psychosis lessened his culpability,and will have his sentencing remarks sent to Victoria's state coroner to assist in investigating whether GPs should be advised of the potential risks associated with Tramadol.

The judge also took into account Eckersley's guilty plea and found the killer to be remorseful. Eckersley told a psychiatrist he was devastated by what he did and bewildered by the delusions he had.

With AAP

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