Teachers will run lessons from schools across the state as most students stay home.

Teachers will run lessons from schools across the state as most students stay home.Credit:Quentin Jones

Ms Palaszczuk said she would review the decision in about a month and added that Prime Minister Scott Morrison had been informed and was comfortable with the state’s choice,with national cabinet still considering other aspects of schooling.


It means most students across the state will spend at least the next five weeks learning from home using online and print curriculum.

Education Minister Grace Grace said teachers would remain the primary point of contact and the government was working to provide laptops to students who did not have one at home.

"At the same time we’re working with Telstra,we have about 5000 SIM cards to help them with internet,and we’re also working on securing additional internet availability for students who may not have that in their homes."

The government is also in talks with commercial networks about providing learning though television,for those children who do not have internet access.

Ms Grace said teachers,boarding school staff and those who work at childcare centres would be able to get tested for coronavirus if they wished and those vulnerable to the virus may work from home.

"If you’re ill or your child is ill,we ask that you stay away from school,but if you are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19,and you’re in the school,childcare,or in the boarding area type of work,then you can be tested."

Aninformation page for parents has been set up on the education department website.

Schools will communicate directly with students,families and caregivers about the timing and manner in which learning materials will be delivered.

Assessment and reporting will be"adjusted"to reflect the"nature of learning over this time". Further updates will be provided early in the term.

The announcement came as the state added seven new cases to its COVID-19 tally overnight,taking Queensland's total to 987.

"This is just the start,” Ms Palaszczuk said.

“We don’t want to just flatten the curve,I think we’re going to smash the curve.”

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