This satellite image from Maxar Technologies shows activity at the Imam Khomeini Space Centre in Iran's Semnan province in February.

This satellite image from Maxar Technologies shows activity at the Imam Khomeini Space Centre in Iran's Semnan province in February.Credit:AP

On its official website,the Guard said the satellite successfully reached orbit at 425 kilometres above the Earth's surface. It called it the first military satellite ever launched by Tehran.

The two-stage launch took off from the Central Desert,the Guard said,without elaborating or saying when exactly. The paramilitary force said it used a Ghased,or"messenger"satellite carrier to put the device into space,a previously unheard-of system.

There was no immediate independent confirmation of the launch of the satellite,which the Guard called Noor,or light. The US State and Defence departments,which contend that such launches advance Iran's ballistic missile program,did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The news comes amid tensions between Tehran and Washington over its collapsing nuclear deal and after a US drone strike in Iraq killed Guard General Qassem Soleimani in January.


Iran has suffered several failed satellite launches in recent months. The latest came in February,whenit failed to put its Zafar 1 communications satellite into orbit.

That came after two failed launches of the Payam and Doosti satellites last year,as well as a launchpad rocket explosion in August. A separate fire at the Imam Khomeini Space Centre in February 2019 also killed three researchers,authorities said at the time.

The rocket explosion in August drew even the attention of US President Donald Trump,who later tweeted what appeared to be a classified surveillance image of the launch failure. The successive failures raised suspicion of outside interference in Iran's program,something Trump himself hinted at by tweeting at the time that the US"was not involved in the catastrophic accident".


The US alleges such satellite launches defy a UN Security Council resolution calling on Iran to undertake no activity related to ballistic missiles capable of delivering nuclear weapons. American officials,as well as European nations,worry that these launches could help Iran develop intercontinental ballistic missiles capable of carrying nuclear weapons.

An Iranian rocket failed to put a satellite into orbit in February,but now the Revolutionary Guard says it has succeeded.

An Iranian rocket failed to put a satellite into orbit in February,but now the Revolutionary Guard says it has succeeded.Credit:AP

Iran,which long has said it does not seek nuclear weapons,previously maintained its satellite launches and rocket tests do not have a military component. The Guard launching its own satellite now calls that into question.

Tehran also says it hasn't violated a US resolution on its ballistic missile program as it only"called upon"Iran not to conduct such tests. Western missile experts have also questioned the US contention that Iran's program could have a dual use for nuclear weapons.

Over the past decade,Iran has sent several short-lived satellites into orbit and in 2013 launched a monkey into space.

The launch comes amid heightened tensions between Iran and the US since Trump unilaterally withdrew America from Tehran's 2015 nuclear deal with world powers in May 2018. Iran since has broken all the deal's limitations while still allowing US inspectors to its sites.

On Sunday,the Guard acknowledged it had a tense encounter with US warships in the Persian Gulf last week,but alleged without offering evidence that American forces sparked the incident.


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