"There's been some recent talk about the profitability of online news in Australia,including the suggestion that online platforms should be forced to pay publishers $600 million or more every year,"Ms Silva said."The direct economic value Google gets from news content in Search is very small. Google last year generated approximately $10 million in revenue—not profit—from clicks on ads against possible news-related queries in Australia."
Media outlets including Nine Entertainment Co (owner of this masthead) and News Corp Australia have argued publicly for annualpayments of between $600 million and $1 billion from the tech platforms as part of a compulsory code being introduced by the competition regulator. Ms Silva said these figures were based on the idea that news accounts for 10 per cent of queries and generates 10 per cent of gross Australia revenues.
ACCC chair Rod Sims said earlier this monthpayments by digital giants to media companies would be focused predominantly on the "indirect" value Google and Facebook gain from news content rather than direct revenue from news stories.
"Clearly the biggest benefit is not the direct benefit which is the ads shown against news items. That’s the really,really small benefit,"Mr Sims said."The indirect value that Google and Facebook gain from having news on their platform."
But in the blog post Ms Silva also dismissed the'indirect value'argument and claimed that news media businesses benefit far more than Google does from the relationship.
"The indirect economic value Google gets from news in Google Search is also very small,"Ms Silva said.